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Ollie and Zosia woke up the next morning in Zosia's bed. She was cuddled into his side and he had his arms protectively round her.

"Morning beautiful." Ollie whispered

"Good morning handsome." Zosia whispered back before she leaned up and kissed Ollie passionately.

They both had a day off work today so they just lay there in bed together.

Suddenly the door opened.

Dom came in "right come on love birds. Me and digby are at work so you can spend the day taking stuff to Ollies then I can find someone else to pay rent."

"Nice to know your gonna miss me Dom." Zosia said still lying with Ollie.

"Of course I'm gonna miss ya babes but me and diggers can't handle the rent on our own so the sooner someone else wants to help pay it the better." 

"I'll pay it for a few months if it's that much of a hassle." Zosia sat up to talk to Dom better

"It's not just that but the fact that you two are very messy. I mean when was the last time you put a plate away. You eat the food wash the plate then put it away, but no you two eat the food then just leave the plate on the kitchen counter." Dom said

"Wow Dom if I knew you had such a big issue with plates..." Ollie said laughing a little causing Zosia to giggle a bit as well.

"Glad you find it funny but there is also a large, growing, pile of Ollies clothes. Well I say pile what I mean is I'm always finding items of clothing everywhere. Yesterday there was a scrub top in the bathroom sink. Its too big to be Zosias and mine and Arthurs are like a red colour. I don't even know why you have scrubs on outside of work, or why it was in the sink for that matter." Dom said before leaving the room

"Aww I'm gonna miss you too Dom." Zosia shouted through the door.

They stayed in bed until they heard the front door close and Dom and Arthur leave.

"Right come on then. You heard Dom 'the sooner the better.'."Ollie said as he sat up.

"Aww someone's trying to get me back to his house." Zosia sat up too

"I tell you what I'll walk back to mine then drive my car back while you start to pack up some stuff. Then when I get back we can finish of and put the stuff in my car." Ollie suggested

"What am I supposed to put everything in?" Zosia asked

"Urm, i don't know carrier bags."

"Carrier bags. Right come on then."

They both got up and dressed, Ollie went back for his car and Zosia started with packing clothes.

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