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The next morning Ollie and Zosia walked onto the ward and over to the nurses station to find a security guard standing outside of HDU.

"Told you she was being really weird." Zosia said before going to get changed

As Jac came out of HDU Ollie went over to her.

"Who's in there?" He asked

"Oh for crying out loud you are just as bad as Zosia." Jac sighed

"Why is there security outside of the door?"

"It doesn't matter."

"If it's serious enough to need security then surely we should all know about it.?"

"Oh my god."

"What?" Ollie questioned

"You, questions. Are you finished?" Jac said sitting down at the nurses station

"So who's allowed in then?"

"Me." Jac said simply

"What if there's a problem while you're in theatre and someone needs to help them?"

"I'm not doing surgery all day that won't be a problem." Jac replied 

Just then Zosia came over in her scrubs.

Ollie turned to her "you were right she is being weird, she won't even go into theatre so she can watch this mystery patient."

"Who's so important that you can't do anything?" Zosia asked 

"It doesn't matter both of you go do some work." Jac said ending the conversation

Later on Zosia and Ollie were sat in the staff room cuddling on the sofa, they were supposed to be doing all of Jacs paper work. There was enough work to keep them busy for at least four hours but they had been going for at least three and they hadn't even done half of it. This was because Ollie kept getting bored and taking an 'Ollie and Zosia sit and cuddle instead of doing work' break.

"You're like a seven year old really aren't you." Zosia said

"In what way?" Ollie asked curiously

"Well you have the attention span of a seven year old." She replied

Ollie pushed her arm and the both smiled at each other before leaning in and sharing a sweet kiss.

"I still wanna know who's in that room."

Zosia sighed "yeah but I think we've established she's not going to tell us."

Suddenly Ollie looked up "I wonder if Hansen knows."

"What that Jac has a secret patient on the ward?"

"That Jac has a secret patient that she won't let anyone help with and is putting of surgery for as well as having security guards on shift by the door."

"Well I don't know, do I look like Hansen to you. You wanna know you find him and you ask him." 

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