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"I was angry. Upset. I felt betrayed. He lied to me, over and over again. I wanted to get away from it all for a while. I volunteered to go to the crash to give him a chance to own up and everything was going fine until my dad turned up. He wasn't injured, he wasn't even in the train, he turned up and he kidnapped me.

"I was sat with a patient treating their cuts when I saw him but by the time I was done he'd gone. At first I thought my mind was messing with me but then I was crawling out of that carriage and he was right in front of me. They all think that's where I died, that it collapsed with me in it, but I was out. I was in an ambulance.

"My dad told me days later, when I woke up, that he had hit me over the head and that I wasn't going anywhere, I was in his basement. He said that he payed the ambulance to take me to the entrance then leave me, he put a porters uniform on and took me himself down to the morgue, he payed the guy to make me look dead then Ollie identified my body. He took me to his basement and he kept me there.

"I have spent the past five years of my life in my fathers basement on one cold meal and drink a day and one chance to go to the loo. It wasn't even a room it was just four brick walls with a concrete floor and a mattress. He'd hit me, force himself on me, God even his friends have done it to me. I tried to kill my self multiple time but it never worked. He'd just get angry and beat me even more.

"I was scared but I also felt so guilty, the amount of times Ollie had told me what our dad was like the bruises he'd show me, the scars. I just said he'd been in a fight at school and was looking for someone to blame. But now I get it and I hate that I didn't believe him.

"My father used to abuse my brother then he kidnapped and forced himself onto me.
"They all think I'm dead but really I'm just broken."

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