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"I'm sorry, who the hell are you?" Jac asked after watching the scene

"Oh sorry let me introduce myself, I'm John self. I'm guys brother." John said

"Okay, did you want something, only this is a working Cardiothoracic ward and you come in waving a gun around."

"Yes I did, I was going to ask Zosia if she knew where Julia was but as you can see here she is."

"Yeah well I wasn't going to leave her with you was I." Zosia said 

"Oh zosia you have to get over this little crush you've got on me." John said

"You have got to be kidding me. You think I have a crush on you?" Zosia said "no I couldn't leave my sister with you because I didn't know what you were going to do."

"Look Zosia I'm your uncle I know you tried to sleep with me once but it's really inappropriate."

"I was thirteen. The only thing I was trying to do was my math homework. You tried to rape me and your surprised that I bring Julia here after you threaten her." Zosia shouted now with tear dripping down her face.

Jac stood open mouthed at the events.

"Get lost John." Guy said stepping forward

"Or what? Come on guy what are you gonna do.? Last time you nearly killed me so what you gonna do this time?" John said

"Maybe this time I will kill you."

"No you won't, you'll be to busy dying." And with that John shot his brother and then ran.

Guy fell to the floor and Zosia and Julia started screaming while jac and Ollie rushed over. Ollie put pressure on the bleed as jac went over and reopened the doors to the main ward and got help.

John had shot guy in the abdomen and guy was bleeding a lot so as soon as jac had some help they rushed him into theatre.

Zosia and Julia were left on the ward crying and holding each other as tight as they could.

How much pain can one person take?Where stories live. Discover now