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4 months had passed now and everything had calmed down.

Guy was released from hospital 2 months ago and he rebuilt his relationship with Julia. Julia had also moved in with her dad, partly to look after him and partly because she missed him when the had fallen out.

No one had heard from John again and things were starting to go back to normal.

"Hey." Zosia said as she walked into the staff room where Ollie was sat at the table.

"Hi." Ollie forced a smiled back.

Zosia came and sat down across the table from Ollie. She had noticed earlier in the morning before they went to work that he didn't seem himself and she saw just how forced his smile was. She knew something wasn't right but didn't want to bring anything up earlier in case it was just that he woke up on the wrong side of the bed but now it was too obvious.

"What's the matter?" She said

"What do you mean?" 

"Ollie look at me." He lifted his head up and looked at her but not in her eyes. "No, Ollie look me in the eye."

He did and said " why?"

"Somethings the matter so don't ask what I mean because you can't even properly look me in the eye and you have to force a smile. You've been off with me all day so please tell me, whats the matter?" She  asked again this time more desperate.

"I don't know, I just feel weird."

Zosia sighed and then got up

Ollie asked "where are you going?"

"If you don't want to tell me that's fine, Ollie, but don't try to lie about it just tell me." She said before leaving.

She heard Ollie calling after her but just continued on leaving Ollie in the staff room alone.

A few hours later Ollie had gone home but Zosia had a few hours left when a trauma patient was brought onto the ward. Jac went to deal with the patient while Zosia was sat at the nurses station.

Jac took one look at the patient before stopping the moving trolley "woah wait a minute." And her eyes widened.

Zosia looked up and said "what?" 

"Oh nothing." Jac replied unconvincingly " can we get this patient straight into HDU please.?" She said

The patient was wheeled into HDU before Zosia even got a look and Jac closed the doors and then the curtains.

Whoever this patient was Jac was adamant not to let Zosia see them.

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