Comfort and reassurance

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"I don't understand how you have this much stuff." Ollie said as they put the last bag into His car.

"It's gonna look like there's more. It's all in plastic carrier bags and you can't really get that much in them." Zosia said as she shut the boot.

"Excuses excuses."

"Oh shut up you. Come on we can go back up for a cup of coffee then we can head over to yours."

They both walked back up to Zosia's flat and Ollie made two coffees while Zosia found a piece of paper. On it she drew a love heart and then wrote Zosia under it before she  Sellotaped it to her door.

After they drank the coffee Zosia locked up and they both got into Ollies car where they drove in a comfortable silence until Zosia's phone started to ring.

Dad calling

"Oh god." Zosia sighed

"What.?" Ollie asked as he drove

"It's my dad. I bet Dom posted something or said something to him. I haven't told him about moving in with you yet." Zosia explained

"And we all know how I'm one of your dads favourite people." Ollie said sarcastically. "You better answer it or he'll be even more annoyed."

Zosia answered her phone "hi dad."

" So your moving in with valentine." Guy said through the phone

"Yes, yes I am."

"Didn't you think to ask me.?"

"I don't have to ask you to do anything. I'm an adult I can do what I like." Zosia argued

"Okay but you could have at least told me." Guy replied

"Why so you could have acted like this and go all protective when actually it's just annoying.?" This made Ollie laugh a little and Zosia smiled back at him. "Oh and I was looking  through some old photos earlier and it made me think, when was the last time you spoke to Julia?"

Guy sighed a little "years ago, why.?"

"Doesn't matter. Bye dad." Zosia hung up before guy could say anything.

"You okay." Ollie asked

"My dad hasn't spoken to his own daughter in years. And he doesn't think there's anything wrong with that. At least I speak to her." Zosia said

Ollie put one hand on Zosia's knee while he kept the other on the wheel. "I'm sure he has a reason."

"Yeah he'll have a reason for not wanting to talk to her, that doesn't mean he shouldn't."

"Why do you think he doesn't want to speak to her..?" Ollie asked as he pulled up and parked his car.

"I don't know. She like the perfect daughter. Her grades are as high as they possibly could be she's never had a teacher complain about her, she hasn't got a boyfriend her dad doesn't like. Oh and she isn't crazy."

"Hey, your not crazy Zosia. Having bipolar doesn't make you crazy." Ollie reassured her.

"Really. Okay well what would you call it. Mentally unstable.?" Zosia argued 

"No." Ollie took Zosia's hand "I'd call it bipolar. And there is nothing wrong with that. I agree that may make up you a little unstable at times but that is nothing we can't manage."

"Everyone but Arthur, Dom and you just kinda get this look of disapproval on their face when they find out about my bipolar. Thank you for not leaving me." Zosia looked Ollie in the eyes

"A diagnosis or condition doesn't make a person. You make yourself. When I see you all I see is my beautiful girlfriend that I'm totally in love with." Ollie said

"Thank you. I love you too." Zosia said before she leaned in and kissed Ollie passionately on the lips.

It soon started to get heated as lips parted and they both battled each other until Ollie reluctantly pulled away "maybe we should get out the car before this goes any further."

Zosia smiled at Ollie and they both got out the car and ran hand in hand up to Ollies to continue what they started.

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