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Zosia sat on the chair next to her fathers bed in HDU and Julia sat on the window sill while they waited. They didn't know what they were waiting for. A reaction, maybe?

After guy had undergone surgery he had gone into a coma and no one was quite sure when he would wake up, if he would wake up.

Julia was asleep now but Zosia hadn't slept in the 2 days her dad had been unconscious.

 Zosia sat looking at her dad, her eyes red from crying.

"Zosia," Ollie said as he came into the room

She didn't say anything she just continued to watch her dad.

"Zosh maybe you should go home and get some sleep."

"I can't leave him." Zosia whispered

"Please Zosia it's not good for you to stay up or stay here. Please go home, even if it's just for a few hours." Ollie says as he walked over to her

"By home you mean your house." She said

"When you moved in it became our house."

Zosia smiled slightly "thank you."

"What for?" Ollie asked

"I don't know, everything."

Ollie laughed before he walked infront of her and pulled her off the chair.

"Maybe we could just go sit in the staff room for a while?.." She said questionably

"Okay." Ollie said smiling at her.

About 30 minutes later Zosia was sat on Ollie knee in the Darwin staff room. Zosia had her arms around Ollies neck and he was stroking her hair.

"Thank you." Zosia said

Ollie laughed again "stop saying that. What are you thanking me for?"

"I don't know but since you turned up I just feel normal. I don't feel like the girl with bipolar, I don't feel like I have to prove myself to anyone.  I feel safe. You make me feel safe. For once in my life I feel stable enough to do anything, because I feel like I can make the decision. I don't feel like crazy Zosia everyone looks out for and that is because of you. So I know I sound like a complete idiot but thank you." 

Ollie just smiled at her and kissed the top of her head "wow, I love you so much. If we're really doing thank yous, thank you for showing me how to love again. After Tara died I never thought I would, I was a mess, but you showed me there is a life worth living an now I feel like my life is worth living just to see you smile everyday. So I know I sound like a complete idiot but thank you."

Zosia laughed a little before lifting her head and kissing Ollies lips. "I love you too."

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