I was

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Zosia sat trying to take it all in she didn't know why penny had just told her all of that but she knew she had to find Ollie.

"I'm sorry you didn't need to hear all of that, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about anyway." Penny said
"trust me, I know exactly what you're talking about, well I know you are and I Know your brother." Zosia answered.
She had tears in her eyes she hated to think that Ollie had gone though all of that with his father and it hurt her just thinking about it.
"I thought my relationship with my dad was bad."
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." Penny said taking Zosia's hand
"No you dont need to apologise its just me being silly, it's just your brother."
"Oh, are you his girlfriend or something?" Penny asked
"Well i was until he found out about you an hour ago." Zosia said looking down "he said he couldn't be with someone wno would lie to him about something like this, I found out a few weeks ago but jac told me wasn't allowed to tell him.
"Great I've been alive all of an hour and Ive already caused a load of trouble."
"No, I should have told him, I just don't know what to do now, I'd go home but I live with him and no one knows where he is."
"Well why are you sat in here still talking to me you should go and find him." penny told her "Trust me the longer you leave this the worse it'll get."
Zosia was walking around the ward. She didn't know why people had been looking for him for hours so surely if he was here hed have been found but she just felt like she knew where he was, she just didn't know where it was She had been walking around for a while when she saw a light on in the on call room, the rest of the ward was darker as it had gone dark outside She walked over to the door and knocked, The light went off but she knew he was in there as there was a light cry coming from the room.
She went in slowly to find him lying on the bed facing away trom the door, he had attempted to stop crying to try and pretend to be asleep but he knew he wasn't fooling anyone.

No words were said she just went over and held him while he cried into her chest.

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