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Suddenly Zosia heard the noise...

She had been left on the ward: Ollies shift ended and he had gone home, mo had gone to see mr t about something  (in my version he is still here) and Jac was in theatre. She didn't know what to do, other than a few nurses and an odd doctor not paying attention she was completely alone.

If she went in she would be in serious trouble but if she didn't the patient might die.

No matter how hard she tried to ignore it she just kept hearing the noise: the mystery patient had crashed.

She didn't want to be responsible for anything but either way she was going to be. In panic Zosia paged Jac and mo but soon realised she would have to do something when the security guard spoke.

"Urm doc, you really might want to do something." He said

"I thought I wasn't allowed in there." She said back

"Unless it's an emergency, this counts as an emergency."

Zosia closed her eyes briefly before walking into HDU. She stared at the patient for a moment before being woken by the security guard hitting the window, trying to get her to do something.

She started chest compressions and just hoped. She only had one pair of hands she could only do one thing.

As she did this she tried to stay focused but couldn't help looking at the patient.




This was all Zosia could say about the patient. She couldn't even tell what colour hair she had. 

 The first two were obvious just by looking but the third was more of a feeling Zosia got. She couldn't tell who it was but she knew they felt familiar, it was almost like she may not have even met the patient but they seemed so familiar. 

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