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A few weeks had passed and Zosia and Ollie were taking alternative breaks to sit with penny and keep her occupied. They had moved her to a bed on the main ward a while ago so she didn't have to sit in HDU alone but she still liked her chats with her brother and his girlfriend. Ollie was surprised at how quickly penny and Zosia had become friends. In fact the other day he told her she spends more time with his sister than she does with him. He pretended that it bothered him sometimes but actually he liked that his sister and girlfriend got on so well. He figured penny would need at least one friend who wasn't going to judge her and it's not like she had loads when she was 'dead'.

Penny had been all over the news at the start. No one knew how the reporters had gotten so much information but they did. They knew about penny, who she was, what had happened and even that Ollie didn't know. It made Zosia feel very guilty, she kept saying sorry for keeping quiet and that she should have said something sooner but Ollie just told her to stop being ridiculous. He had said that his reaction was stupid and that he was glad she didn't tell him straight away. He understood jac wanted to know what had happened so someone could explain it to him and he understood why now. His reaction when he first found out showed himself and others he didn't take it all in properly and he couldn't imagine how he would be if he was told at the start.

Over the past few weeks jac had become very fed up with the doctors and nurses and other staff members that thought it appropriate to spend their breaks sneaking up to Darwin and looking for themselves at the 'very much alive dead girl' that the reporters had named her as. They continued now to do stories about her dads trial, which penny had been informed would be in just under a month. He was charged for murdering multiple people, robbery and of course keeping his daughter in his basement and every time it was on a news paper it reminded penny she still needed to face him again.

Ollie had promised that he would be with her and he would support her but in all honesty she wasn't sure he should go. The first thing, after taking everything in, that penny had heard Ollie say was that he wanted to kill his dad and it came to penny's mind that if he saw their dad even if it was at the trial his anger may take over. Penny didn't want him to do something he may regret and even though she know that the police would stop him in a courtroom she still worried. She had talked t Zosia about it and Zosia told her that she understood where she was coming from and that the first few nights her and Ollie had been at home after penny woke up she had to calm him down after getting anger at the news reports on the tv.

No one knew what would happen next they just knew it would take time and that they would all need to help each other.

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