Grow old

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"I told you, they can't keep their hand off each other." Mo laughed as she walked behind Elliot.
Ollie pulled a face at her and Zosia's cheeks noticeably reddened, but Elliot just ignored this.
"Shall we go to the staff room?" He said
"What are you doing here?" Ollie asked stepping out of the lift, his hand attached to Zosia's
They reached the staff room and Ollie boiled the kettle as Zosia and Elliot sat on the sofa.
"Well I heard my team oz were engaged, and I thought I just couldn't miss that, and I also thought I deserved a little holiday and what better excuse to come back than this. I knew it you know. I knew you liked each other, before even you both knew."
"Well it took jac pretending to send me to Edinburgh for us to admit anything." Zosia told him
"Yes I know she told me!" Elliot said smiling back
"Elliot you seem more excited than we are." Ollie pointed out as he came and sat with them and placed 3 coffees on the table.
"I'm just happy to see you smile again Oliver. You've got your spark back but it's brighter this time. Your both happy, it's wonderful to see."
"Yeah well I'm not gonna let this one die on me." Ollie turned to look Zosia in the eye "I don't I could ever get over that."

It was a few hours later and Elliot was talking to an old patient that had returned. Zosia and Ollie had once again retreated back to the staff room to be alone. Ollie sat on the sofa with his legs on the coffee table and Zosia sat on his knee. His arms went around her waist and hers went around the back of his neck, her head resting on his chest.
"I meant what I said earlier." Ollie said as Zosia lifted her head to look at him.
"When Tara died I thought my life was over. I had nothing to live for. I made a mess of my life and I wasted so much time. Then I met you. You are the one thing in my life I would do anything for. Suddenly I had everything to survive for. But you make sure I don't just survive, I love you, I love you more than anything and I really couldn't ever get over losing you..." He paused for a minute but soon continued "I married Tara because I thought that would be my only shot at happiness, however short, but you. I'm marrying you because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I'm gonna make damn sure that's a long time because I can't wait to grow old with you Zosia March."

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