Chapter 5

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There's a picture of Malcolm.


Keyna's POV

He opened the door and immediately ankle length snow rushed into the room and rested around his boots. He looked at me with a blank face and so did I. The room was soon filled with cold air and he tried to close the door but to no success because of the snow that had blocked the door.

I quickly got a broom and swept away some snow as he pushed the door and soon the door was closed. I started at him with anger and walked away.

"You should have listened," I said as I went past the counter and into the one of  stores to return the broom.

"So what do I do now?" He asks with uncertainty.

"You stay here and do what you want and I'll go to the lounge to continue what I was doing." I began walking away before I felt his arm around my wrist.

"Wait." He said.

"What now?" I said taking my wrist away from his hand.

"You're just going to leave me here all alone what if I get cold?" He said.

"What do you want me to do for heavens sake?" I shouted.

He was being unreasonable and he was acting like a child.

"Can I come with you to wherever you're going?" He asked..

I found myself wishing that the snow storm would soon be over so that his irritating ass could leave me alone. I led him into the lounge where he made himself comfortable on one of the many couches we had in the room. He put his feet on the coffee table and put them down as soon as I gave him one of my 'bitch you better not' faces.

"Would you you're want some hot chocolate?" I asked.

"Yes. I would love some." He did giving me a smile.

I walks over to the open plan kitchen in the lounge, pulled out two mugs from the cabinet before I started making the hit chocolate. I would occasionally feel like he was staring at me and I felt uncomfortable. And so I broke the silence.

"Could you please stop that."

"Stop what?"

"Starring at me." I said as I walked over to the table and place his mug before him.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't think it would make you uncomfortable." He said as he starred at the ground.

I went to sit on the ban bag couch at the corner of the room and continued reading the novel by Philippa Gregory about Henry the VIII. I know I'm such a dork. But I was into such books about the  history of places, things and people.

"How are you?" He asked breaking the silence after about fifteen minutes.

"Not that great. Its so cold and I'm stuck here when I would rather be home than be here." I said.

"Well I'm doing not so well too. Thank you for asking." He said a he rolled his eyes.

"Look were going to be here for long okay maybe a whole day at least and I would like it if we didn't talk that much okay. I don't mean to sound rude or anything but if you knew me you would know that I would have a very short temper especially with people like you. So if you would kindly just remain silent, I'll also remain silent reading my novel and you can do what you want. Thank you."

I turned back to my book and we both remained quiet for hours.


Malcolm's POV

I studied her as she read her book. I had nothing else to do but occasionally study her and play candy crush on my phone. She had clear brown skin and greenish eyes. Her hair was shoulder length and lay across her back and behind her ears. She sat comfortably on her chair with her feet under her body and occasionally she would let out a small laugh or she would frown.

I got bored and so I broke the silence.

"I can't do this anymore."

She looked up from her book, " Do what?"

"Remain silent for this long."

"So?" She asked.

"So can we talk or something?"

She put her book down on the table.
" What do you want to talk about?" She asked.

"Tell me about yourself. Its been a while since we had a talked." I said.

"Why do you mean for a while? We have never talked." She said.

"You're right. But there was a time when you were just a normal dry cleaner now you're the assistant manager. How did that happen?" I asked.

"I worked hard and yeah." She said.

"Tell me about yourself."

"There's nothing much to tell really." She said clearly not wanting to talk to me.

I wondered why she didn't want to talk to me or even look at me when there were women out there who would die to have my attention.

She stood up and walked out of the room and a fee minute layers she came back with two blankets and she threw one at me before wrapping herself around one and sitting down.

"Thank you." I said and it was odd for me because I rarely ever said that. "So tell me about you. How old are you? Your hobbies your likes and dislikes."

"Why would you want to know?" She asked .

"Because I'm bored. There's nothing much to do so I guess I could get to know you better."

"Well the thing is, I would like to share about myself to people who actually care and who might actually be interested in me." She said as she gave me a fake smile.

I remained silent and starred into her green eyes.

"You don't like me much do you?" I asked.

"No not at all." She said back flatly.

"Why not? I'm quite likeable you know."

She rolled her eyes. " Its because you're too proud, arrogant and selfish."

I have been told that several times but I don't know why I felt a small pang of pain when she said that.
I concealed it with a grin. "Well you'll have to. The weather report says we might be stuck here for two days so that means that we'll have to talk and you'll have to tell me about yourself."

She eyed me furiously but remained silent.

"Do you have any food here?," I asked.

"Off course we do. We stack up on food just in case."

She stood up and walked over to the lame excuse of a kitchen that they had and opened the fridge. She pulled out some cheese and milk and placed them on the counter and pulled out a packet of macaroni from the shelves. She pulled out a sauce pan and I couldn't help but stare at her back side of her body and her curves.

"Stop it." She shouted as she turned around and looked at me angrily. "You better stop staring at me like that and mentally undressing me okay!"

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