Chapter 14

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Hey guys Im back with yet another chapter.Please to remember to vote, comment and share the story. Thanks.

PS, there's another picture of Keyna.


Keyna's POV

I hardly talked to him while we ate even though he often tried to engage me in a conversation. We had just finished having our dessert and our plates had just been taken away. Kalisa called all the attention to herself.

"So I hope you enjoyed your meal. Now lets move on to more serious matters. The reason I called you all here in such short notice was to tell you that Joshua and I have decided that we'll go to Paris to get our dresses and suits and all that and I just wanted to give you a heads up. We'll be travelling next week on Friday and we've already booked the hotel we'll be staying in and we've already bought the tickets. So all you need to do is show up at the airport on Friday evening, we'll arrive in the morning and you can rest on that day or go sigth seeing but on Sunday, we all have to avail ourselves.Oh and were flying back on Monday in the afternoon. So basically thats it.... Oh and before I forget, we pushed the wedding date closer and it in a months time so we need to spend more time with each other for the rehearsals and all," she said as she smiled at all of us.

My heart jumped up and down in excitement.Just one month with him. One month. I'm sure i can manage.

I drank my water as I smiled.

"Did you hear that? We're supposed to spent more time with each other!" he whispered into my ear. "How exciting."

I glared at him in anger. "Not necessarily." I said.

"Well I should be going sweet heart. Dont miss me too much. Oh and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" I asked in confusion. Tomorrow was a Monday.

"Oh yes. I'll be dropping by to drop some of my suits at around five as usual. See you tomorrow," he said as he threw me a flirtacious wink and stood up.

Such a prick!

I met my sisters gaze and she winked at me too.

What is it with people?

I excused myself after having a short converation with Kim, my sister and made my way out. And then it dawned to me. He left me! He left me here! That jerk left me here! He proomised to take me back home but no. Such a jerk!

Angrlily, I stormed my way back into the restaurant and asked Kim for a lift. Her and I weren't as close as sisters ought to be. She was closer to my brother, Calumn. Although we had lived under the same roof for so many years, I barely knew her that much. She was an introvert and kept alot to herself. She was eighteen years old, fresh out of highschool and she was a model. She had been modeling since she was sixteen years old just like Kalisa because they were both gorgeous. Gorgeous!

"So whats going on with you and Malcolm?" she asked as she kept her eyes on the road.


"Liar. Liar. Pants on fire!" she teased. "Come on, tell me."

"Theres nothing. I promise you. If you only knew how I hate that man." I said, " why do you think there's something going on?"

"Because all of us saw him wink at you. And he's always around you during these meetings. And you should have seen the two of you walk in. You were walking like you were a couple." she said.

"Well you think wrong. That doesnt mean that something is going on okay. I promise you!"

"If you say so," she teased.

Soon she parked outside my apartment and I got out after thanking her. I went up in the elevator and opened the door to my apartment. I put my purse on the counter and took my heels off. I locked the door behind me and went to my room where I changed into sweatpants and a tank top. I went to my kitchen and pulled out the ingredients that I would need while baking. Yes , I loved baking and cooking. Alot.

An hour later, I pulled out chocolate fudge cupcakes from the oven and placed them on a tray. Then, I tried to taste one but dropped it on the floor in the process becasue it was too hot and it burnt my fingers and my tongue. I cursed and started cleaning it up when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I pulled it out and saw that it was a text from Malcolm. I decided to ignore it. A few minutes later, it vibrated again.

What does he want? I shouted to myself.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at both messages.

Hey sweetheart. Miss me?

Its not good to ignore someone you know. Are you angry at me or something?

I replied: NO. Leave me alone. Goodnight.

I put the phone back in my pocket just as it vibrated.

Why do you want me to go so bad? Are you angry? Tell me if you are.

Dont ignore me.

I replied again. What do you want with me? Cant you just leave me alone? Dont you have like a company to run or something?

Oh I do. But I have time for you. So you're angry right? Why?

WHY? you dare ask me why? Because you left me. You were my ride and you left me!

Oh calm down sweetheart. I know you wanted to spend more time with me but dont worry, we'll have a month together.

That was it. Im not going to go on with this anymore.

I felt my phone vibrate but I ignored it. I sat down on my couch and turned my tv on and began watching a movie when my phone vibrated again. I decided to read the messages.

Are you still there?

I know you are ignoring me but it fine. I have to go. Dont miss me too much sweetheart.

He was so delirious. Why would I even miss him? Such an ego! Such a huge ego!


I did this in a rush. Im sorry if there are any errors.






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