Chapter 44

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I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting for that long.

He picked up his phone for the first time that day and looked at the screen. Seventeen missed calls from Keyna, twelve messages, two voice messages.

He got worried. He dialed her number as soon as he could and wondered what the problem could be.

He had had a long day full of meetings as was expected but some of them lasted longer than intended. He had left his phone in his hotel, no he forgot it because he was in such a rush that morning.

She didn't pick up so he tried again and again. Why wasn't she picking up?

He gave up a while later and called his sister in law, Kalisa asking if she knew were Keyna was.

Kalisa replied with a worried tone that she hadn't talked to her sister the whole day and when she went to her apartment, some of her clothes were gone and she hadn't picked up any her the calls making her extremely worried.

He hang up and called her body guard, Sam.

"Where is she?" He shouted.
"Sir, I don't know, I've been trying to track her phone but it looks like its off. She's not been to her apartment in the last thirty seven hours, the last time I saw her was three days ago sir. I went to pick her up but she told me to leave. She told me she had some things she needed to settle and her eyes were red, I assumed she was crying. I didn't leave sir, I followed her around and she went to this coffee place and she met this young man. She left with his car and I lost track of him in the traffic. Sir,I do not know where she is. I'm sorry," said Sam as fast as he possibly could to make sure that Malcolm didn't shout at him. He had rehearsed this speech for a while.

Malcolm rubbed the temples of his hands with his warm finger tips,"How did this man look like?"he asked.

"He was tall sir and dark ," Sam replied.

Malcolm sighed,"Try and find her. Please just try and find her. Soon. I'll be there in the next twelve hours."

He hang up his phone and called his assistant. She packed his clothes and they rushed out of the hotel to the airport where he got into his private jet and began his long flight home.

Keyna. She was all he could think about. He looked at the picture on his screen where she had her bitch face on and her arms were crossed and she managed to still look ever so beautiful.

He wondered what could have happened to her. Could it be Patrick?
It was most probably him he thought to himself.


She glanced at him for the third time during their long road trip. They were leaving the city and they were headed to New Orleans to'start a fresh'. She was disgusted by him, disgusted of him. He had tried to engage in conversations with her but she simply remained silent or pretended to be asleep which worked successfully.

He had grown more muscular from  the last time she was with him and had cut the beard that he used to sport.She averted her gaze to the road and wondered how she would escape without getting herself killed or anyone she loved. He had taken her phone from her and all her electronics from her as well ,hindering any hope of communication.

At least Troy is safe, she thought. They had dropped him off still unconscious in his apartment and drove away as soon as they did. She looked out of the window, wishing that Malcolm would soon come to her rescue.

It was dark and so they stopped to have dinner in a small dinner where she made conversation with him so as to not anger him and trigger his psychotic side. Then they went to a motel, a little further from the dinner and they got two separate rooms  which made her extremely happy.She waited until it was deep into the night, at one thirty seven precisely when she quietly exited her room, went  to the reception and dialed Malcolm's number five times before she wrote a note and left it under a large vase hoping that Malcolm would be smart enough to find it if he ever cam looking for her.

She then slipped silently and fastidiously back into her room and slept for a few hours before hearing a loud knocks on the door.It would be a long day.


As soon as they landed he got into his awaiting car and put his phone on. He discovered that he had gotten a few missed calls from the same number and he immediately suspected that it was Keyna. He got one of his men to track it down and as soon as he found the location the call had come from, he sped there with immensely dangerous speed. A few hours later, five and a half hours later to be precise, he stormed into the motel and spoke to the old grey haired woman who informed him that the woman he was looking for , Keyna had left early that morning with a tall dark skinned man, Patrick.

He thanked her immensely and sat down in his car trying to contemplate his next move.  She's smart. She couldn't just call and leave it at that. She must have done something else, left something behind. But where? Where could she have left it? he thought to himself.

So with that, he walked back into the motel and looked around, he spent close to an hour turning things upside down when it dawned to him. He saw a vase, filled with beautiful red roses and knew that she had left it there.He lifted it up and there he saw a white neatly folded paper. He beamed as he opened it up and saw her scribbled words.


He ran out and got into his car, calling his secretary and a few of the tech guys before driving of to New Orleans where he hoped that he would find the love of his life.


I know its kinda short but please forgive me. I was in a rush.

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