Chapter 40

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Hey hey. Hope that you are all doing well. Here's another chapter. I hope you enjoy, share,like and comment. Thank you.


She starred at the screen before running down the stairs and bumping into Malcolm at the bottom. He caught her before she could fall down and picked up her phone from where it had fallen on the ground.He gave it to her before placing his hands on the soft skin of her shoulder and looking into her beautiful green eyes seeing that they were filled with fear.

"What's wrong?"he asked seeing that she was afraid.

She gave her phone to him and he read the text she had received his jaw tightening and his face becoming hard. He handed the phone back to her before pacing around and leading her to the living room. She sat down carefully making sure that the towel covered everything that needed to be covered appropriately.

"You don't leave the house without a bodyguard okay. Everywhere you go Sam, the bodyguard will follow you and you can't say no to that okay. You will tell me where you are and where you're going all the time and I know that you wan't to complain but I'm just doing this to keep you safe okay," he said looking at her as she shut her mouth and nodded silently.

"Tomorrow I'll have my people track his number and we'll know exactly where he is and then I'll deal with him,"he said sitting down next to her.

He noticed a scar on her shoulder that ran to her back and asked if he could see it. She nodded remaining silent and turning around slightly lowering the towel around her back to let him have a better view of the dark scar on her skin. He ran a finger on it from the shoulder to the shoulder blade leaving a tingly sensation on her back. 

"I'm so sorry,"He held her in his arms before placing a kiss on her forehead,"I promise that I'll never let him lay a finger on you. I'll protect you."


He walked into the office his face hard and unreadable. He put his briefcase down before walking out of his office and getting into the elevator, his assistant tailing him. He pressed the button for the tenth floor and they arrived within seconds.He walked briskly  to his trusted computer tech guy and asked him to trace Patrick's number and he did. He was in New York in and apartment three blocks away from Keyna's.

He also ordered for a background check and found out that he went to university again to study business and had worked for three years in Australia before coming back to New York after he was fired for violating the work ethics and had been charged a couple times for possession of illegal drugs.

He decided that he would deal with him the next day, pay him a visit an make him pay for what he did to Keyna.


She woke up  rubbing her eyes and sitting up straight.  It had been two weeks since Malcolm promised to find Patrick and deal with him. He managed to find him and he was about to go beat the shit out of him when he was informed that he had just taken a flight to Europe. Keyna was beyond happy because she thought that he had left her alone for good and she had not  received any phone calls and texts from him.

She jumped out of her bed and walked out of the room to the kitchen to find the shirtless Malcolm making pancakes and couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous toned body

"You know you don't have to stare at me sweetheart. If you want me just say it,"he said throwing her a wink before setting the table.

"Sit," he said as he stacked pancaked on her plate and filled her cup  with tea.

"How's your morning?" he asked running his fingers through his hair as he watched her eat.

"Good,"she said with her mouth full. "These are really good," she said.

"Off course they are," he said. "So what do you want to do today?"

"I was planning to leave. You know go back to the apartment that I live in," she said sipping coffee.

"But I don't want you to go," he said pouting. "I want you to stay."

"As much as I would love to, I can't," she said taking her things to the sink after finishing and washing them feeling his presence behind her.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because you're travelling tonight for two weeks and I can't live in this house alone," she said drying her hands before turning around and meeting his body. 

He pinned her between himself and the counter before planting a kiss on her and lifting her while she wrapped his legs around his waist and ran her fingers through his hair. They stopped gasping for air before continuing and breaking it off a while later. She jumped down and looked at his face before pulling him upstairs and into his room.

"What are we doing here," he said pulling her back into his chest. She felt her temperature rise when he ran a finger on her face.

"I want to help you pack," she said walking into his closet.

"You don't have to," he said sitting down on his bed.

"I know but I want to," she yelled before emerging with three suits in her arm and putting them on his bed. 

She got socks, ties, vest, jeans, shirt, shoes, all the things that he would need and neatly put them in a suitcase while he watched her with interest as they talked. He knew that she was definitely a keeper.

"Go shower,"she commanded while walking out of the room and he smiled at himself.

After her shower, she dried her hair and oiled  it after she got into blue jeans and a black shirt. She tied her hair into a neat ponytail before packing her own clothes. There was a light tap  on the door before he walked in looking oh so heavenly in a white shirt and dark washed jeans.

"You ready?" he asked and she nodded. They took their bags into the car and Sam dropped them at their favorite park where they spent the lovely afternoon together before heading to the airport. 

"I wish that I didn't have to go or  that you would come with me," he said planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Me too but there's nothing we can do. Besides its not like this is going to be the first time were away from each other, you've traveled several times before,"

"There's just something different. I've gotten used to having you around a lot and I'll miss you so much," he said.

"Don't worry , you'll find me here when you get back.Besides two weeks isn't that long And I hope that this negotiations go well and all and make sure that you're head is in the game.Good luck," she said looking at him.

"I promise I'll work well and I hope the negotiations go well too. If I blow it I wouldn't know what to do," he said running a hand through his hair. He would be travelling to Italy for business negotiations with one of the wealthiest businesses in the world and prayed that he would be able to get a good deal.

"Don't worry. It will all be fine. And you better not look at any Italian woman while you're there. I'll find out if you do and you won't like what I'll do," she said.

"How could I possibly look at any other woman when I have the best one?" he said before kissing her and saying goodbye to her.

"Take care," he said before turning around and walking away.

She got into the car and was driven home where she thanked Sam before getting into her apartment. It would be a really long two weeks without him and she had already started missing him.

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