Chapter 9

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Claire Holt as Ashley.

Here's another one.
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Third POV

The alarm rang loudly through her room and she started her daily routine by cursing as usual. Soon she was parking in front of the building and walking through the front door.

"Good morning," she said to Troy who was sitting behind the counter.

"Good morning," he said looking up from his phone.

She went to the locker room and got into her uniform before going to the office and sorting things out. At around nine, her best friend, Joanna called her and they talked for two hours. She informed her that she would be coming back from her honeymoon on Wednesday. She had her lunch in the coffee room with Troy as they talks and laughed with each other.

"No way. She did not!" Exclaimed Keyna as they talked about the date Troy had on Sunday.

"Yes she did. And we got kicked out of the restaurant," he said as he laughed, "you should have seen her."

Troy and his girlfriend had gone to a restaurant on Sunday when the snow fall had reduced and the waitress who was serving her sneered at her as she flirted with Troy. Troy's date got angry and kindly asked the waitress to stop her flirting but the waitress didn't and so Troy's date slapped her a and poured hot chocolate on her and they were forced out of the restaurant.

They talked for a while as they laundered and cleaned in the laundry room and at around two in the afternoon Ashley arrived. She hugged the two and got into her uniform as Keyna prepared to leave.

"Remember don't panic. He's just a normal human being. Smile and act all innocent when he's there okay," said Keyna with her hand on Ashley's shoulder as she talked about Malcolm.

"I'll be fine. Thanks ," said Ashley as she watched Keyna walk out of the store.

She was afraid of Malcolm because he was so scary an exuded a lot of power. She was as mainly scared of his temper that was famously known around town.

A few minutes after five, Malcolm arrived and demanded for his suit.

"I'll go get it sir," she said as she walked away. She came back with the suit in her hands an gave it to him.

"Where's Keyna?" He asked.

"She left early."


"Today is when she has the afternoon off." Said Ashley.

"Okay. Thank you." He smiled at her and then left.

She had decided to go to the salon after work and left after getting her hair relaxed again. She bought some new trench coats and sweaters before finally deciding to pass by the grocery store to get some bread and milk. She parked her car and picked a trolley and walked into the store.

She went down the aisle and got some bread and opened the freezer and got milk. She was just backing away when she hit someone and turned around quickly to apologise when she saw him.

"We need to stop meeting this way. Stop bumping into me," said Malcolm as he studied Keyna's greenish eyes with his brown ones.

"Well I sorry. It won't happen again," she said as she began walking away.

She was trying to avoid him as much as she could because she was still offended by what he had said.

"How are you?" He asks running after her in his navy blue suit.

"I'm good." She said flatly as she kept on walking.

"Well I'm good too thanks to asking. I came by the store and I was told that today was your afternoon off. Is it true or were you just trying to avoid me?"

"Both." She said as she paid for her items.

"You're still mad huh?"

"You guessed it," she said as she walked out of the store.

He followed her to her car. And stood watching her put the bags in the boot.

"What do you want now?" She asked rudely.

"An apology."

She rolled her eyes and got into her car.

"Where you going?" He asked.

Sh decided not to answer and drove away instead. He stood there in the parking lot with a grin on he face knowing that he had made her angry but something bothered him.

Why does she not like me? I'm likeable enough aren't I?

He got home an made himself dinner before going out with his friends to a local pub. She on the other hand stayed at home, under her blankets with her laptop on her laps as she watched her series.

She got a phone call from Kalisa,her sister and picked it up.

"Keynaaa!" Her sister yelled.

"What? Why are you shouting?'

"No reason. I just wanted to know if you could come early on Saturday to help me prepare and stuff. Can you?" She asked.

"Sure. What time would you want me there?"

"At around noon if its not to much to ask."

"Okay. I'll be there." Said Keyna.

"Thank you my little baby. I'll talk to you later. Bye take care."

And the phone was hung up. She hot comfortable in her bed after finishing half a season of greys Anatomy and soon she was asleep.

He was tired and decided to leave the pub and go home. He paid the bills and bid his best friend goodbye before heading home. He had a shower and got into the warm sheets before sleeping.


Hey I know its another short chapter.
I'm really sorry.

More is to come.
Stay tuned for the drama :)

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