Chapter 34

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Hey hey.
I'm back for the weekend.
Hope you'll enjoy thus chapter.

Also please forgive all my errors and bear with my mistakes.
It will take time for me to edit so I'm sorry.


She opened her eyes, a wide smile plastered on her face as she looked at the beautiful rays of the sun seeping through the widely opened curtains. She sat up straight and realised that she wasn't at home and she remembered everything that had happened.

She slipped out of the warm sheets looking down on what she was wearing then looking at the clock. It was ten. She walked out of the large room and down the wide hall to the stairs. She walked around trying to find anyone while exploring at the same time.She slowly backed away from what she assumed was the living room that was furnished with beautiful black leather couches, a beautiful mahogany coffee table and paintings and pictures on the wall. During this process, she bumped into something hard and quickly turned around to meet the warm brown eyes.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lips before kissing her forehead.
"Good morning sweetheart.How are you this morning?" He asked as he took her hand and led her to the kitchen.

"I'm great. Where are your parents?" She asked.

"They left for the hospital a few hours ago," he said as he sat her down on a long stool.

"How's your dad? Is he okay?" She asks.

"He's fine sweetheart," he says smiling at her, "don't worry about him he'll be fine."

He saw something flash in her eyes before she recovered with a smile as he set a plate of pancakes, coffee and orange juice before her.

"You made this yourself?" She asked while she chewed the delicious warm pancakes.

"But off course," he said winking at her and sitting down opposite her." You like them?"

"Off course I do," she said as she took another bite.

When she was done he washed the utensils as she watched studying all his features.

"Follow me," he said as he led her up the stairs and into her room.

"I got you some clothes. I wasn't sure what you would like so I just got you a simple dress. Get ready, we're going to leave in an hour,"

"Where to?" She asked.

"You'll see," he said as he winked at her before closing the door.

After the long and relaxing shower, she slipped on new undergarments and the white knee length lacy dress and was surprised to see that it fit perfectly. She also slipped in the red doll shoes he had gotten for her and tied her hair into a messy bun with the only hairband she had. She took her phone and the purse he had from last night and started looking for her dress when she heard a knock on the door.

She opened the door and met him leaning on the frame,looking gorgeous.

"I forgot to tell you, I took your stuff to the dry cleaners," he said grinning at her widely.

She rolled her eyes at him before asking him where they were going.
"For lunch off course," he said taking her hand and leading her out.

An hour later, he parked his matte black porche in front of a new Italian restaurant.

They sat down on the table reserved for them. A waitress came as soon as they were settled and took their orders. They talked while they waited to be served. A few minutes later, a large pepperoni pizza was served accompanied by soda.

He smiled as she saw her eyes light up after she took a bite. They ate talking and making fun of each other.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked after they had finished eating and their things taken away.

"Its nothing," he said still smiling at her.

"Really? Tell me?" She said frowning.

"You look so adorable," he said taking her hands.

He paid the bill and they made their way out of the restaurant a few heads turning at their direction.They got into the car and he began driving.

"Are you taking me home?" She asked looking at him.

"No," he said flatly.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked curiously.

"To the mall. I want to buy something. I'm sorry but you have to tag along," he said.

"Its fine just promise to take me home,"she said looking out of the window.

A few minutes later, he parked in his private parking spot and they both got out. He intertwined his fingers with hers, smiling at the feel of her as they walked into the mall. He led her to the grocery store and the picked up some things and afterwards they lazily walked around.

He came to an abrupt stop right before Pandora and dragged her in even though she protested. She shut up as soon as she saw all the beautiful jewellery. He walked straight to the counter and asked to see the manager who appeared with a small pink box in his hand.

She wanted to whisper into his ear and ask him what was going on but he stood a good few inches taller than her making it impossible.Malcolm gave them his card and took it back a while later with the box placed in a small bag.

They walked out and he didn't answer any of her questions until they got into the car because he didn't like the stares that they were getting.

"Are you going to tell me?" She pouted.

He turned around to face her and stared into her green eyes. " Yes I will."

He pulled out the box and opened it revealing a beautiful ring." Its promise ring. I got it for you,"he said pulling it out, " you already know that I love you and I'll never get tired of saying that so I got you this just to..just to promise you that I will always love you." He said looking at her.

She smiled at him, taking the rose gold ring with a heart shaped diamond on it and slipping it on. " Thank you. Its ...its so beautiful Malcolm. I love you too."

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