Chapter 41

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Hey hey
Here's another one
Hope you enjoy and stuff
Excuse all my errors.

I know its weird that I'm updating in the middle of the week but it may be the only time that I get to update.
She yawned rubbing her eyes and sitting up. She was exhausted even though she just woke up.It had been three days since he left and she would spend almost half the night just talking to him on phone and he would wait until he hears her soft snores to hang up.

She jumped out of bed and had a shower getting into jeans and a white button up shirt with a pink blazer. Today she would visit her best friend who was due any minute and then have lunch with Troy.

She had breakfast before rushing out into her car and driving to Joanna's house. She parked her car and walked up a few stairs before knocking the door and waiting for it to be opened.

"Keyna oh my you're early," she said giving her best friend a tight hug, her stomach protruding in front of her due to months of pregnancy. "Come in," she said as she led her into her house.

"You just missed Gavin, he left five minutes before you came," said Joanna referring to her husband.

They sat in the living room talking for hours about life,pregnancy and marriage, mostly it was Joanna doing the talking because Keyna obviously had no experience.

"You know I saw that guy..I know his name oh my gosh.." said Joanna taping her head," yes... yes.... his name is......... Patrick. I saw him the other day when I went out to get groceries and he asked about you,"

Suddenly Keyna started hyperventilating. Patrick had talked to Joanna. He had asked about her recently. What does he want?What could he possibly want after all these years?

"What's wrong?" asked Joanna picking up a cheese crackers from a bowl.

"When did you see him? What did he ask? Why did he ask those?" asked Keyna in a high voice.

"I guess two days ago. He just asked how you were and where you work and if you had someone in your life. I didn't tell him though because I'm sure you wouldn't want him knowing things about your personal life so he just said goodbye and walked away.
Why what's wrong?"

Keyna looked into Joanna's eyes." He's been texting me, calling me it's sort of like he's terrorising me because every time I hear his voice just brings back so many bad memories," said Keyna.

"How long has this been going on?"

"A while. It stopped though. Look I'm sorry for not telling you I just didn't want you acting up and stressed because the baby is coming and stuff and I'm sorry. I should have told you,"said Keyna.

"Its okay. At least you have a good reason otherwise..," said Joanna taking another cracker from the bowl.

They talked about names. She was going to have a boy and they still hasn't settled on a suitable first name for him.

"No,no,no,no," said Joanna to all the suggestions Keyna had made.

"You're extremely choosy Joanna. I think all those names were great," she said.

"Well I want his name to be perfect okay. You can't judge me," she said.

They talked for a while longer when Keyna had to excuse herself at around noon to go and meet up with Troy.

Yes she wouldn't be going in to work today because this was her day off and it also happened to be Troy's afternoon off.

Her phone rang when she was driving. It was Malcolm.

"Hey babe," she said happily excited to hear his voice.
"Hello sweetheart," she heard him say in a worn out voice.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"I'm just really tired. I have had the longest day in the entire world. I have sat for so many meetings today with so many people that I lost count and I haven't slept for two days," he said.

"Malcolm that's not healthy. You need to get some rest right now okay. Forget about work, your health is more important," she lectured.

"I will okay don't worry about me sweetheart," he said smiling at himself ."What about you? How are you? What are you doing? Where are you?"

"I'm good. I'm just from seeing Joanna and now I'm headed to lunch with Troy,"

"Is Sam with you?" He asked.

"No. Malcolm I'm safe okay. I have been safe and I will be safe and I don't need him because Patrick is gone now right?"

"But I need to make sure you're safe that's why I told him to protect you when I'm not around . I trust him and I'm sure that you'll be safe in his care," he said.

"Okay fine. I'll let him hang around and 'keep me safe' but not today. I told him to rest and do whatever he wants to do," she said.

"You gave him a day off? Without my permission?"

"Calm down Malcolm. He needed it. When was the last time you gave him a day off?" She asked.

"That does not concern you. It shouldn't because he's not your employee. Look you need to call him and tell him to come back okay," he commanded.

"No. I gave him the day of and a day off means that you don't work for the whole day so if I call him back then it beats the purpose. Now end of discussion. You need to go sleep and I have to go for lunch. I'll talk to you later,"she said.

He simply sighed knowing that in this case he was defeated and said goodbye before hanging up.

She walked into the half packed bistro and smiled when she saw Troy at a corner table and began approaching him. Not sooner had she taken a few steps into the bistro than she felt a strong grip around her hand and upon looking up, she realised that it was her worst nightmare.


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