Chapter 23

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Hey hey.
I'm back.
So here's another chapter.

She sat in her chair and shifted in anger. She had been sitting there for the past hour and now she was getting irritated by his lateness. He had texted her that they should meet at five at the chosen restaurant and now it was six and he was nowhere to be seen.

As usual she was punctual,she was always punctual and she didn't appreciate that he was so late. Didn't he know that she had series to catch up on?

She sighed and finished her glass of water and called the waiter. She removed her wallet and was about to pay for her three bottles of water that she had for the past hour and a half when a figure appeared behind her.

The waiter stared an the figure and she turned around to meet his brown orbs.

"Were you going somewhere?" He asked her with a smile on his face.

He sat down opposite her and took the menu in front of him and started perusing. She still starred at him as he did all this and the waiter stood awkwardly waiting.

"We'll have the grilled steak, it has to be fresh and the salad. I'll have some red wine too but for the lady just get her water, she's not that good with alcohol," he said.

She starred at him with shock and disbelief written all over her face.
The waiter left and he turned his attention to her.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He finally asked after he felt uncomfortable under her harsh gaze.

"You're unbelievable." She said in a loud voice gaining some looks from some people who were around them.

"Calm down sweetheart," he said.

"I am calm!" She yelled again. " Now you listen here. Who the hell do you think you are coming in here almost one and a half hours late and acting like its nothing? Even more you tease me by ordering my food? Did you when know what I wanted to eat? Do you have enough respect to ask me what I want? Furthermore you go around telling people that I am not good with alcohol? Is that information for you to share with others?" She said as she banged her hands on the table.

"You are so lucky that we are in public other wise I would have beaten the shit out of you. You better learn how to respect me and stop these childish behaviors of yours and never ever call me sweet heart again!" She said as she got her bag and stood up.

She had turned around and had taken two steps away when she felt him grip her wrist strongly. She turns around and opened her mouth to hurl insults at him but before she could, he spoke.

"Just sit down and stop being so dramatic. I promise I won't do that again." He said in an almost apologetic voice which was a first for him.

Normally he wouldn't appreciate being shouted at ,at all and he would throw a tantrum if that ever did happen but for some odd reason he felt bad. He didn't want her to be angry at him. That was the last thing he wanted right now. He knew he was pushing her by what he had done but he wanted to explain himself, even though there was no reasonable explanation.

She looked at him and saw a sympathetic look in his eyes and so she decided that this would be the only time he got away with such a stunt. She sighed and returned back to her seat keeping her eyes firmly fixed on his. Just one week and she would be done with him. She had to suck up her pride and hate and do this for her sister.

"I'm sorry for coming late."

Startled she raised her eyebrow." Is this the oh so great Malcolm Coleman apologizing? Well that's a first." She teased.

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