Chapter 39

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Hey hey
Hope you enjoy
And I'm sorry I didn't update sooner, I was really  busy.
Also excuse all the errors that I've made in all my books, I'll start editing them soon.

See you soon.

He noticed that she wasn't being herself lately ,that something was bothering her but he didn't know what it was so on Tuesday night, he went to her house with a pizza as usual and met her short frame with a messy bun, shorts and a buggy shirt when she opened the door.

"You're early," she said ushering him into her apartment.

"I wanted to spend more time with you," he said as he winked at her.

She got plates and cups for the soda and found him changing channels trying to find the right one.

They sat down on the plush couch,their plates pilled with pizza slices and their feet comfortably on the coffee table. They were watching his favorite comedy and she found herself watching him laughing at the stupid jokes being made and smiling at herself.

"You need to stop starring sweetheart. You're missing the show," he said looking into her green eyes winking at her before turning back to the TV.

She took the plates after they were done, washed them and returned to him.

She sat down across him and he saw a certain look flash in her eyes before he switched of the TV immediately and turned to her.

"What's wrong Keyna?" He asked in a worried tone.

She starred at his gave before looking away and debating whether to tell him or not.

"Tell me what's wrong. You've not been yourself lately and I know something is wrong. What is it? You can trust me with whatever it is," he said taking her arms in his.

She let out a long sigh before looking into his brown eyes. " A few weeks ago I got a phone call when I was in the store putting things in the office. It was Patrick," she saw the way his jaw tightened and she continued to talk.

"He said a few things before ending the call and ever since I've been getting texts everyday and I feel like he's watching me," she spat out.

He tightened the hold on her arms. "What makes you think that?"

"The other day he texted me ' you look good in red' and 'you're new car is nice, mind if we share it?' ", she said lowering her face.

"How long has this been going on?" He asked ,worry lacing his tone.

"About three weeks," she said.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"he asked in a harsh tone.

"Because I thought he would stop. I thought that he was playing tricks on me. And I visited his mother to ask him if she knew where he was and she said he was probably in California, a million miles away so I assumed that it wasn't him," she said pulling her hands away from him and running then through her hair.

"You went to such a dangerous place without me? What is he was there waiting to hurt you?"said Malcolm turning red with anger.

"I don't know okay," she yelled back. "When you're afraid you do things without thinking well because you're scarred and I wasn't thinking well,"

"So what changed your mind? Why do you think its him?" He asked standing up and pacing.

She remained silent hanging her head low and slightly shaking it.

"You can tell me Keyna," he said taking her arms again and she looked into his brown eyes.

"I saw him," she whispered. "I saw him two days ago when I came out of the store. I thought that I was hallucinating but I looked closer and realized that it was him and I disappeared as quickly as I could before he could see me,"she said.

He broke his gaze from her, standing up and pacing around before coming to a stop. "Pack enough clothes. You're coming to my house,"

She starred at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You'll be safer there. You'll have me and I'll keep you safe. Besides I'm always at you're place its about time you start spending time at mine," he said smiling at her and trying to cheer her up. "Look we don't have to share a room if that's what you're worried about. I have several other rooms and you can choose whichever room you like,"he said smiling at her again.

She stood up and was embraced in tight hug by him and smiled pulling away. "Give me some time," she said walking away into her bedroom.

He followed her and sat on her bed making her laugh and smile as she busied herself packing a few clothes in a suitcase. They left after she grabbed everything that she would need and locking her apartment. The drive to his mansion was about an hour long  but they were comfortable in each others company.

She was still amused by how large his mansion was when he pulled up. She jumped out of the car still in the same clothes and followed him up the stairs into the mansion, her bags in his hands. He led her upstairs into the room opposite his and she was amused by how beautiful it was. The walls were a dark shade of red and the bed was big and the covers were clear white. There was a large window covered with white curtains and the closet was big and wide.There were a few paintings that were hung on the wall and the bathroom was covered with beautiful tiles lined with gold. 

"You like it?" he asked from where he was seated on the bed.

"I love it,"she said.

"Okay you can settle in and stuff I'll just be down stairs if you need me,"he said walking out and closing the door behind him.

She unpacked and walked into the bathroom where she had a long relaxing bath and forgot how long she was in there. She got out , water dripping from her body and wrapped herself in a plush towel. She walked out of the bathroom after brushing her teeth and laid her pajamas on the bed when her phone vibrated. She looked at the screen.It was a message from him

Where did you go? Are you running away from me ? You wont get that far baby.

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