Chaper 31

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"Maybe I'm too overdressed," she said to the laptop screen that was on top of her dressing table.

She was talking to Joanna. Yes, Keyna had told her about her date with Malcolm and off course she over reacted getting so exited for Keyna.

"No. You look great. I don't know why youre worrying about,"she said as she braided her hair from where she was.

"Because because I have feelings for him and I want to impress," she mumbled.

"Keyna did I hear what I just did?" Asked Joanna widening her eyes and coming closer to her screen.

"You know. I'm gonna go now. Talk to you later Jo," she said as she ended the call as quickly as she could to avoid answering the several questions she knew that Joanna would ask her.

She heard the bell ring loudly and she looked at herself once more in the mirror with her shorts on, a navy blue vest, a black basketball cap covering her hair that was neatly tied in a ponytail, black vans and a a black bag that she slung on her shoulder. She took her phone and went out of her room across the hall and to the door.

She opened the door and met his brown eyes that roamed her body. She herself studied  him. He looked very attractive in his khaki shorts and figure hugging white shirt and the beautiful smile of his plastered on his face.

"Dressed all sexy for me huh sweetheart," he said as he winked at her.

"Don't start Malcolm." She said giving him a warning look before locking the door.

"So I'm guessing you're ready? You have everything right?" He asked digging his hands into his pocket.She nodded.

"Then shall we?" He asked pointing at the elevator.

"Sure," she said taking the lead and walking in front of him. The elevator ride was silent and so was the walk to the car and after she was seated,he closed the door and walked to his side. He started the car and joined the busy road.

"So are you excited?" He asked looking at her.

"I don't know to be honest," she said looking at him." What do you have planned?" She asked.

"Oh you'll find out," he said with a cheeky grin.

"Malcolm I thought you already know that I don't like surprises," she said crossing her arms.

"Oh I do. That's exactly why I want this day to be full of surprises," he said.

She shook her head and looked out of the window, looking at the busy streets and the tall buildings. The cars, the people walking their dogs, the people talking and laughing, the people leaning on the walls and smoking. She looked at everything.

"You like doing that don't you?" She heard him say and she snapped out of observing the surroundings.

"Doing what?" She asked looking at him.

"Looking outside the window. You've done it every time you're in the car."

"Its a habit. I just like looking around looking at how different people are and just observing everything. Learning new things, seeing new things. I'm just weird like that." She said as she put her hands on her laps.

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