Chapter 30

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Hey hey.
Hope you're all doing great.
So here's another chapter.
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Thank you :)


"Morning Keyna," she heard Troy say when she walked into the store.

"Morning," she said with a smile to him as she walked to the locker room.

"How was your date?"he asked.

"What date?" She asked as she got into the changing room and got into her work shirt.

"The one on Saturday. Joanna told me about it." He said.

"There was no date. It was just a dinner and it was on Friday,"she said putting her phone in her pocket.

"So you're really not going to tell me?" He said knowing that once she avoids talking about something she will never be able to talk about it.

"Why should I?" she asked in a sassy voice.

Troy just smiled at her. Knowing her and how she behaved he knew what was going on. She was only ever sassy and bossy when she liked someone and he wondered silently who made her behave like this, who she liked.

The week was another busy week as usual, lots of customers, lots of laundry to do,in general a lot of work. On Thursday evening, she sat at the front desk, playing cards on the computer that was in front of her. It was four thirty.Thirty minutes until she would leave and off course she was the last one there. The small bell rang as the door opened and she turned her head to see who had come and when her eyes landed on who it was, she plastered a wide smile on her face.

"Malcolm,"she said as she stood up.

"Wow. I didn't know that you would be that excited to see me. I thought that you would start shouting or something,"he said as he walked to the counter and placed the suit there.

"Oh shut up," she said as she rolled her eyes as she took the suit and hang it on a rack an printed the receipt.

He silently watched her as she did all this and smiled at her when she handed him the receipt."Is that it?" she asked kindly.

"You know I only came here because I had missed hearing your voice and looking at that beautiful face of yours," he said as he winked at her.

She blushed and avoided meeting his gaze.

"So how was your day?" he asked making himself comfortable on the couch.

"What are you doing?" she asked in surprise, her eyebrow raised.

"You didn't really think that I just came here to drop my suit and see you. I wanna talk to you too," he said as he tapped the space next to him for her to sit down.

She cautiously walked over to him and sat down on the couch as far away as possible from him.

"Oh come on now sweet heart, I don't bite," he said as he smiled at her.

He began talking about his day and life and she starred at his face, partly listening to what he was saying while she studied his facial features. She fell in love with his beard. She had a weird thing for men with beards. To her they just seemed ten times sexier and she had to resist the strong urge that she had to stroke it.

"Keyna are you listening?" he asked as he realized that she was in a trance.

"Pfft....... off course I am," she said. He then gave her this look. This look that made her feel guilty."Fine fine fine. I wasn't really listening I'm sorry."

"You were busy studying my handsomeness right," he said as he gestured at himself. She rolled her eyes and stood up. "You ready to go?"

"Give me five minutes. I'm just going to go change and lock up. "

He sat patiently, looking around the well furnished room he was in tapping his foot gently on the ground.He suddenly felt guilty. How could he possibly take this away from her without hurting her.I mean that's what he does. He takes away small businesses with potential, makes them bigger and better and earns millions nearly billions from them. He's done that several times before and now he owns three quarters of the small business in New York and hes close to becoming a billionaire.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even realize that she had come back. "Is everything okay?" she asked when she saw him hunched his elbows on his knees.

"Oh yeah yeah yeah. I hadn't even realized that you had come back. You look great as usual,"he said as he studied her in her blue jeans, baby pink crop top and black doll shoes. "So casual yet so sexy." he said as he smiled.

She smiled widely as she blushed. Her heart beat increased just by his words and how he was looking at her. Why and how could he possibly do this to her? They walked out and she locked the store. The sun was still out and it was hot. "So what now?" she asked.

"Well I know you want to go home and stuff but lets get some ice cream first. Please.It's really hot and that would be a great way to cool down don't you think?" he asked looking at her. She sighed and he knew he had won. "There's an ice cream store four blocks away. Do you wanna walk?"

"Yeah. Just lemme put my bag in the car," she said as she walked to her car. He smiled triumphantly. He thought that it would be hard to get her to go out with him and to spend time with him but it was proving to be easier than he thought.

"Okay. Lets go," he said while he took her hand and began leading the way. She protested off course saying that she was perfectly fine walking on her own.

They arrived after walking for about ten minutes.They talked and she laughed a lot. She liked that he could make her laugh and he liked that she laughed, flashing her dimples. They ordered their ice cream. She had a mix of vanilla and chocolate and he had plain strawberry. He watched her eat, enjoying how she got angry when a few drops would fall on her hand and she would mumble curse words under her breath. Once they were done, they walked back closer than they had before and they were content with being like that.

"So see you on Saturday at two," he said as he winked at her before she walked away to her car. "Goodnight sweetheart," he called after her.

"Goodnight Mal," she shouted back.

'Mal? Seriously? Is that the best nickname you can come up with?' she asked herself when she began driving away.


Hope you enjoyed it.

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