Chapter 19

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I'm back for like three days. So this is me doing the fastest I can to update.

Thanks for all the support. Enjoy, comment, vote and share.

She rubbed her eyes and sat up as she stretched and let out a long yawn. Suddenly her head  began paining and she cursed as she rubbed her head. She felt horrible and in less that a minute, she was in the bathroom removing all the contents of the previous night bending over the toilet bowl.

She sat on the cold floor and ran a finger through her hair. She finally stood up and took painkillers for her headache before getting into the shower where she remembered the events of the previous night. She remembered a guy she met but couldn't remember his name and she felt horrible because he was very good looking with deep blue eyes and a pair of beautiful dimples.

She got into navy blue jeggings and a green turtle neck. She got into black knee length high heel boots and let her hair flow freely around her shoulders after combing it. She carried a black handbag with her as she got out and took one glance at the door separating her from Malcolm before walking to the elevator.

She took out her phone and dialled her sisters number and a few minutes later a raspy voice was heard," what?"

"Are you up?" I asked.

"Yes I am. But I'm tired."

"So where do we meet? At the store?" I asked.

"Yeah just give me an hour and I'll be there. Lemme just call everyone else and tell them to be there by ten o'clock. Bye," she said as she hung up.

She sighed and looked at the time, it was only eight thirty. She ordered French toast and coffee for her breakfast and as it was being prepared, she starred out of the window that she was seated next to into the streets of Paris and the people passing by. She felt a presence behind her and turned out of curiosity and met captivating deep blue eyes that seemed familiar to her.

"Hi I'm not sure if you remember me but we met last night. I'm Lucien," he said reaching his hand out for hers

"Keyna," she said as she shook his soft arm.

"May I join you?" He asked.

"Sure please do," she said as she watched him seat down across her.

The two talked and she apologised for being drunk and he watched her with wild amusement as they talked about little things and as they had breakfast together.

Meanwhile, Malcolm rolled over and saw a blonde haired woman next to him. He cursed under his breath for always doing this before rolling off the bed and walking into the bathroom. He had a cold shower before getting dressed and when he got back, he found that the woman had disappeared and he let out a sigh of relief because that meant that he didn't have to chase her away like he always did with the other women.
He made his way out of the room and went to have breakfast and it was now around ten thirty.

He got into his car,the driver had dropped it off in the morning and made his way to the Galia Lahav store where they were to meet and it was adjacent to the Armani store.

She had just gotten into the baby pink trumpet dress in the dressing room and starred at her reflection in the mirror. She looked good she thought to herself. She looked really good.
She walked out and felt dozens of gazes fixed on her. She blushes and she looked up.

"Oh my God you look so beautiful Keyna," said Kalisa as she took in her best maids appearance in the dress she had chosen for her.

Its bodice was white lace with thin straps with a sweetheart cut at the bust and the lower half was baby pink in colour and the dress hung tightly on her emphasizing all of her curves.
"Thank you," she said as she did a little twirl in the dress.

Her eyes caught his and he was seated at the back of the room next to another grooms man. She broke the eye contact after feeling uncomfortable holing his gaze.

"Damn she looks fine," Daniel, a groomsman whispered into Malcolm's ear and he nodded still starring at her and all her beauty.He couldn't deny it. She was beautiful, beyond beautiful and he couldn't help but stare at her. She was perfect. Extremely perfect.

The other bridesmaids tried on their dresses that were similar to Keyna's dress but were grey instead of baby pink. They all giggled as they took different poses as they looked at themselves in the mirror. The men left to go get their suits as Kalisa got into her dress so that they wouldn't see her dress.

Their jaws dropped when they saw her appear in her gorgeous ivory coloured dress. Kalisa blushed as she received various compliments and starred at her reflection. They got out of the dresses and left so that some adjustments could be made and they would be delivered to them in New York the following week.

They got out of the store and immediately Kalisa was by Kenya's side asking her endless questions about the previous night.
"Nothing happened, I just got drunk and I met this guy called Lucien and then Malcolm took me to my room and I can't remember anything else from there," she said shrugging the topic off.

She was lying off course, she remembered what he had said. Everything he said while she was still awake.

They met outside the store and decided to go for lunch together and so they all boarded a bus. When they arrived she ended up sitting next to him and one of the other bridesmaids.

"So how was your morning? Any headaches? " he asked after sitting down.

"Yes. And I vomited too. Nothing much." She said looking at the menu.

He let out a short laugh.

She glared at him." What's so funny?"

"I never thought that you were such a lightweight."

"Excuse me I had two glasses of whisky and five glasses of wine. Off course I would get drunk." She said.

The rest were talking with each other making jokes and laughing.

"And when she was seven, she peed on herself in class because she was scared of the test they were going to have," said Kalisa making the crowd of twelve burst out in laughter.

Keyna covered her head in embarrassment as Kalisa narrated stories about their childhood most of which were embarrassing stories about Keyna.

They finished eating and they paid the bill and made their way out of the restaurant. Malcolm was immediately by her side.

"So are you still up for another tour?"

"I never said I wanted one." She said bluntly trying to avoid his captivating eyes. 

"Well I thought that maybe you would enjoy  another one because you didn't see all the sights yesterday."

"I am going on another tour actually." She said opening her purse and pulling her phone out.

"Then let's go," he said pulling her hand and leading her away from the crowd.

She pulled her hand away from his. "I'm not going with you."

"Stop being difficult," he said looking at her green eyes," we don't have much time."

"I'm going with someone else okay."

He raised his eyebrows in interest. "Who?"

"Lucien. You remember him from the bar last night right?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Off course," he said with a voiced laced with anger and jealously.

"Well we met today morning and he offered to take me around town today and then diner later." She said with an even brighter smile.

"Enjoy your day then." He said as he turned and stormed away from her angrily.

She couldn't understand the sudden change in his behaviour but decided to forget about it. He didn't matter to her at all so why should she bother herself ?

She called Lucien, they had exchanged numbers during breakfast and she had a wonderful day together.

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