Chapter 36

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Hey I'm back for the weekend again.
I've literally had the worst week in school ever!

Anyway here's another chapter.
I hope you enjoy it.

He sat in his leather chair in his large office looking out of his window to the blue sky above the buildings. He was thinking about her again. He was constantly thinking about her ever since she told him to leave her alone one and a half months ago. He tried to fill the void in his heart that he had acquired by losing her with countless women in his bed he couldn't. He couldn't stop thinking about her.

He even tried a few relationships with other women but no woman could ever match Keyna Bishop. He resorted to drinking as his last hope but even that didn't work. He would go home at the break of dawn smelling like a brewery in an extremely drunk state and got into his bed closed his eyes and still images of her flashed through his mind.

He missed her. He missed her dearly and he wanted to have her close to him again. He wanted to see her beautiful face everyday and hear her melodious sweet voice and laugh.

I'm the biggest coward, he thought for the millionth time that day. He still couldn't shake of the fact that he couldn't stand up for their relationship, he couldn't stand up for the undying love he has for her. He let her slip away so easily without even putting up a fight and he blames himself for that everyday.

He tried everything to get to her. Calls, texts, emails, letters he would even go and knock on her door knowing that she was inside and wait for her to open but she never did. He would wait for hours but still she wouldn't open and so he would slip a note inside with an apology and leave a bouquet of flowers on her doorstep.

He needed to see her, he longed to see her beautiful face again. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a light firm knock on the door. He spun his chair around and got back to his busy lifestyle.

She sat in her couch with her pajamas on and her laptop on her knees. She was still looking for a job that she would like. She had gotten a few offers but they paid nearly a quarter of what she was usually paid so naturally she couldn't accept the jobs yet. She still wanted to look for a better one with a good pay. Troy and Ashley had quit like she had but had been lucky enough to get jobs a few weeks later.

She finished the sixth glass of water that she had had that day and placed it on her coffee table resuming her job hunt.

She tried every single day not to desperately think about Malcolm but she couldn't help it. She would find her thoughts wandering to him and she did her best to avoid him. He would leave flowers and notes and she would pick them up once she was sure that he was gone. She wanted to see his face but some part of her mind told her that it would only lead to further damage of her heart. She ignored all his calls and read all the texts and emails but she never had the courage to reply.

It was around five clock when her phone rang. It was Joanna. She picked it up.

"Hey," said Keyna in a weak voice.
"Oh don't tell me you're still locked in your apartment. Its been a month, get over him," said Joanna as she sighed from the other end of the phone.
"I am. Trust me I am," she said forcing a smile ," So what's up?"she said diverting the topic of discussion.
" Good. Now that you're over him I thought that maybe you should go out," she said crossing her fingers hoping that Keyna would agree.She was surprised by Keyna's response.

"Sure," replied Keyna. "Where?"

"The club that I like. I asked Troy and Ashley to come over if that's fine. I would have loved to accompany you but you know I'm pregnant and what not and I'm almost due so naturally I cant come even if I want to. I'm sorry," she said feeling her baby bump.

"Omg!" yelled Keyna into the phone," I didn't know that its been nine months already. I'm so excited for you,"

"I know you are sweetie but we'll talk later, right now I'm on my way to the in-laws for dinner. Come see me tomorrow okay. Bye," she said hanging up.

Keyna lazily dragged herself from the couch to the bathroom where she had a short shower. She then slipped on a short figure hugging red dress that had thin straps.She applied some make up opting for a dark maroon lip instead of her usual red and put on her six inch heels and grabbed her black purse before walking out of her apartment and into Troy's car where the two were waiting for her. They both sighed at her when they saw her and she rolled her eyes at their drama.

They drove to the club that was a good hour away while they sang along to the radio and talked and laughed loudly. On their arrival, they cut the long line and made it to the front where they were let in because of Troy. The first thing that they did was get a shot. Then another one and five shots later, they were on the dance floor moving their bodies to the rhythm of the music. She wasn't that sort of person but tonight she felt like a heavy weight had just been lifted from her shoulder and couldn't help but dance happily, jumping up and down for no particular reason.

A while later she got tired and made her way from the large crowd and back to the bar. She ordered a martini and drank it as she looked at the crowd smiling at her friends dancing their heads of. She felt a warm presence behind her and turned around to meet a blonde haired tall man smiling down at her.

"Hey pretty face. Let me buy you a drink," he said winking at her.

She was disgusted by him and said no politely before turning her back on him. She felt his arms slide around her waist and immediately she hit them away but he didn't let go. She commanded him to let go but he didn't.

He was in the VIP lounge that was up stairs and he was sipping from his glass when he spotted her. He was not sure that it was her but when she saw her face when she turned around while she was dancing he couldn't mistake her face. He followed her until she sat down and ordered a drink and when  saw the blonde haired man slip his arms around her waist he became infuriated thinking that she had moved on but she saw her struggling and knew that something was wrong so immediately he rushed to her rescue.

"She said let her go and that is exactly what you will do," she heard a familiar voice say. The two turned to meet him in his tall glory.

"What are you her boyfriend or something?" asked the blonde haired man slowly releasing her grip on Keyna's waist because he felt intimidated by this man who carried such a powerful aura. 

"It doesn't matter. Just let her go and walk away," he commanded and the man distanced himself from Keyna. "That's it now you will walk away and never look at her again."

The man did as he was told murmuring under his breath. 

The two then removed their eyes from him and their eyes met for the first time in a long time and they starred at each other not knowing what to do next.


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