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"It is good for publicity." Derek , a bald man in his late thirties said looking around table with a serious look on his face.

"When did we have any publicity problems."Louis replied with his sass.

"You guys are not understanding, Let me put it this way.You guys are inspiration to many people , girls/guys , both, look up to you world wide...." A blonde girl wearing a formal shirt at the very end of the table argued .

"That's it , We will be lying to them would we ?"Niall interrupted her rant.

"NO, We would be giving them hope and courage.And a little more of you guys."The head of the management said folding the documents in front of him a sense of finality in his voice.

"Never in my widest dreams i would have imagine words like courage and strength coming from you people." liam muttered which was clearly audible , as all the boys laughed sarcastically.

"Courage?Hope?How does this all add up."feeling something wrong with whole situation.

"Niall , its the story, a plot, say fiction."Katie said , that's the name of the blonde girl.

"Liam! See guys just think about it , it is just a movie anyway."

"No!! you are not getting! We dont know how to act!" Louis cried almost ready to slap someone.

"Louis , there will be crew , trainers who will guide yo along the way." Derek said warningly raising an eyebrow at Louis daring him to argue back.

"i am cool with it ." came Zayn's soft voice , as all the other sighed.

"Learn something from Zayn, you four."Derek said pleased with first positive response .

"The hell dude!" Niall and Louis shouted, almost.

"Its just a movie guys , how horrible can it be. Plus we will get to do something other than singing and stuff."Zayn said the only other calm one besides Harry , who was siting beside him watching the whole scene in front of him.

"Yaa , Niall it will be cool ."Harry said turning to Niall with a smile on his face.

"So we take it you on board with us." The head , clapping his hands as soon as Harry's words were out dismissing others .

"Good , Now today is tuesday we will call you back for plot and other details on thursday. You can go now."

With that everyone left.



So this was the story , I know it is kinda lame but don't worry it will get better and better ahead .

I promise

As I always say

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* Till next update stay safe , be Narries coz Narry is real and is alive *



Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now