Chapter 21

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AN /

Before you read this chapter there are some things I want to say , please bare with me . So , I was surfing on my own profile on  wattpad and I saw #911 rank for My story . Well , All I am saying is FAKING NARRY was ranked #911 in the Fan fiction Category and I AM SOO HAPPY !! THANK YOU ALL FOR READING THIS STORY ! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST !!! When I first started writing I never imagined anyone to even read this shit but then there were people trying my work , but never I imagined to be even ranked in any category for that matter ,but here we are :)
Also , I am dedicating this chapter to JingLingNarry as an appreciation for adding my stories to Reading List ! You are a darling 😘 

Also , read the authors note at the end !

Here is the chapter :)

Enjoy !


Harry's POV
I woke up with a loud pounding in my head. Rubbing my eyes I looked around to see my surrounding, it is my room. When the heck did I come here ? Better yet , How the hell did I come here ? I don't remember coming home last night. As I made my way into the kitchen I remembered Paul being here putting me into bed. I need to thanks Paul  next time I see him, I reminded  myself.

Shit ! I clutched my head as pain erupted from the sides haltering my steps. Keeping my head lower cracking it I dragged myself ahead. Pouring myself a glass of water and then popping an advil I took a deep breathe. I sat on the stool trying to come up with last nights events , everything right now seems to be in blur. The only thing I remembered me and the lads getting in the club.

I know I was not that drunk to the point of not remembering my own name. I laughed loudly at that but soon it died as his laugh and smile flash through my  head. The image change into a series of flashbacks starting from him  stumbling over to me , I calling his name to us both grinding on each other and kissing . There were lots of kisses .

I jumped out of stool practically dashing into the bathroom . I removed my shirt and yes , we did more than innocent peck or kiss on the cheek. There were three large lovebites adorning the left side of my neck. I traced my hands over them shuddering as they are stilll sensitive and also with the flash of him licking and nibbing on me. Holly fuck ?! I , oh god ,oh god , i ..we made .. I made out with my best mate . I made out with Niall !

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now