Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

Everything is not alright , somehow I can sense that . And something in me is telling me it is not because of me or us for that matter . But then I also feel as if Niall is confused about us .If the way he refused to hold my hand when we meet at the studio or the time when we boarded the private jet . He purposely held back not coming anywhere near me .

And it hurt me .

But then again I can still feel his lips on me , his calloused hands on my shoulders and his breathe mingling with mine . Simple to say I was in heaven and I've never felt this way before .

If I think back at the time when we first became band Niall always held a special place in my heart . The time he asked me to come with him to Mullingar I easily agreed. We were so close and he always was their with me , taking care of me and making me laugh .But then I bonded with Louis and Niall started hanging out less with me .

I am pretty sure it was other way wrong and the thought itself leaves sore test in my mouth . No wonder we are still stuck with 'Larry'.

But even though we drifted apart ( not that apart ) I still cared  for him . Seeing him cry was the most horrible thing in the world. I still remember I used to tear up when a drop used to run down his cheek .

I always questioned myself , why I cry when he does too ? Why I feel like to rip the person apart who was cause of those tears ?

But now I know . And it doesn't scare me .No , the thought , the truth and all those facts are setting me free in a way.

If I think about it , I will be wrong if I say Niall was not into the kiss or make out as much I was .That he didn't enjoyed our make out that night in the club . I know it did . I felt him shiver . But then what was coming in our way ?

The fact that I don't know what is , the fact that it is unknown is scaring me the most.

Look what he did to me ( AN : See what I did their 😏😏 ) , here I am sitting in one of the couches staring straight at the sexy Irish as he rummaging for god knows what .

I take him by surprise as I speak after the long silence , making him jump at my voice .

"Hey , Do you have water ? My throat is dry ." maybe it is my words that did it , but I watch colour rising on his pale cheeks making me wonder how pink I can make his pale skin .

If not before my throat is definitely dry now. He nods scrambling around , digging through his duffle .Trust Niall to get a bag just with food .He makes the most of private jets .

"Y-yes ...I might have a bottle " he says searching his back to me and butt right infront of my face.

Gosh ! Is that butt squishy . I want to roam hands on it.

Oh god ! When did I get so sexual .

I blame Niall

"Nice view their" I couldn't control myself , my fingers are on my lips pulling them lazily as I watch the effects of my words.

Niall  whirled around his cheeks flaming red as he cleared his throat "w-what ?" And I wanted to coo at my cute furby .

"Just what you heard Niall"I drawled out watching him practically  loosing his baring . He coughed , clearing his throat before saying "OK OK"

With that he turns again a bottle in his hand and handed it to me .

I purposely brushed my fingers with his keeping my eyes fixed on his . I love playing with him . If I knew I was going to get this reactions I would have started before . But what the hell  ,why not now ?I smiled at my own joke.

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now