Chapter 32

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Stumbling on two feet I run , fog all around obscuring the view.The wind is blowing through my  hair as a giggle escapes me . I grab his hand as he is running ahead our laughs the only sound in the forest .

Passing through the thick woods, the big leaves our legs stumbling on the twigs and branches on the ground sometimes coming in contact with the peeking thick roots of trees from the ground . Huffing completely out of breath we reach to a four wall cabin , whose roofs is missing .

The three and half walls the only remains on which deep green grasses is growing , giving it a eerie yet beautiful look. I slam my hand as I reach the walls completely out of breathe but still laughing . The idea of running away without anyone knowing shooting adrenaline through me . The risk of getting caught and the wildness of being in the wild making this feel crazy yet adventures'.

"Where are you taking me ?" My voice sounds out of breathe but still steady as I follow him in the cabin , attached to a small cave deep inside the thick trees .

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now