Chapter 20

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WARNING : Slight Smut ahead !

Also, feedback is appreciated :)


It is Tuesday morning and after the wonderful evening yesterday with Harry here I am in the studio. And no , I am not with him although I want to be . Well , I always want to be with him but then again we can't always be together . But this movie thing and being a couple has increased the frequency of our meets which I am very much grateful of . 

However , right now I am here with Zayn , both of us working on one of the songs. Most the songs are written by Louis and Liam , two are written by Harry and three are by Zayn. I myself am working on two songs of my own . Right now we are working on a collab , no not with other celebrity but a song written by both me and Zayn . Zayn had this idea of  and he wanted to give it a shot. One day he was sitting on the dining table working on it and I happened to walk in on him. Hearing his words , I started humming will making myself a pancake. Zayn seemed to like it and after that we spent next two hours discussing it . Then we decided to write it and one more song on my mind together.

Zayn is in the recording room playing with tunes , checking the base while I am sitting outside working on some of the rough lyrics we came up with. It is just the two of us in the studio , also Nathan but he is outside doing his work.The boys have gone for the shoot and will come back later in the afternoon . We have decided to have  lunch together all five of us. Its been weeks since we have nicely sit and chatted about what we have been upto.

Zayn makes his way out and sits beside me on his phone . He is typing something when he speaks up "Management is coming here in an hour . Says  ,wants to talk about something ." I scrunched up my nose ,looking at him as I make myself comfortable on the back of the couch. 

What do they want to talk about ? 

Zayn shrugs his shoulder and I know that I said it aloud , well whatever .

"Any idea ?" I ask one's again , maybe he might know what they want. When Management wants to 'talk' it never is a good thing. The last time they wanted to 'talk' we ended up in a movie and I ended up playing a gay partner. Not that I am complaining about , because I am lucky enough to be Harry's boy friend. But then the constant need to be discreet and cautious , and I damn well can say it has increased since the movie. It is hard keeping up the image of being straight. 

"Niall you okay ? You seem to be lost in thoughts" Zayn asks , his one hand on my shoulder concern etched on his pretty face. Well , Zayn is beautiful and I am not gonna deny it.

"Na , I was just thinking ..." I leave it at that not wanting to go into the detail."Well you are thinking a lot lately ."he states eyes boring into mine and I want to shy away .

I ask me rubbing my palms together "W-what do you mean?" 

Zayn takes a deep breathe switching off his phone , before he turns to me completely .

" I am saying since this movie  , you are always in thoughts , lost may I say. And yesterday you didn't even realize Liam was at your place or when did he get." he is concerned and I love that but he can't know .

I laugh at him "That , okay , I was watching this series and didn't notice at all.Not because I was thinking something ." I tried to reason with him but he shakes his head not believing me .

"okay , then what about the other times?" I remained silent as I didn't know how to answer to that and well what's with the sudden concern.

I just shrugged as he kept staring at me and after a while , maybe ten minutes , he sighed and if I thought this was over , boy was I wrong. The next words he said had me freezing .

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