Thank You

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This is not the end .

I don't know if it was clear in the end or not but one of them confesses their love but there is no reply ( ta da ta da ) . Ya , so it is unfinished , their story is not yet over.

First of all I need to thank all of you those who were with me when I started writing the story , it is because of your votes and comments that encouraged me to continue ahead , BIG KISSES for you guys :) I know Authors note are generally boring but if by chance you have read mine , you must know I had totally given up on this story .But then you guys and all new people started reading and voting for the story .And that's all the motivation I needed.

So Thank you all from the bottom of my heart 😘❤

This is the first full fledge story I thought of even before You Are In Love although it was completed before this. I had this idea of writing a story of only 50 parts and I know somehow it lead to 52 parts but yeah I wanted to keep it in fifties .I don't know why , don't ask me I just did.

When I began writing this one I never thought it would become a thriller sort of at the end but it did I am not going to change anything because I like it that way. Also ,when I started I never thought writing takes so much process and that writing scenes in between would require lots of thinking.

The best thing I like about this book and I am proud of is I was able to keep Andrew as a suspense for so long . I wanted him to be suspense for a longer time than that but I am satisfied with this too. My main concern were Niall and Harry, and Niall's unrequited love while Harry's realisation of the love he has for his best friend. And no , the abduction / kidnap is not what lead Harry realise his love no , I didn't want to show that .I wanted to show that the love he has is all simply because the boy he is in Love with is Niall not because bad things had happened to him. I think you get what I am talking about .

About the finale, yes I wanted to write all the climax in one chapter . I thought it would be fun and a great ending .

And as for of the Sequel I came up with that Idea while writing chapter 28 I think which lead to the change in the climax making me create a cliffhanger ;)

I will be posting another note here giving you all the details of the sequel because it is happening . I have not decided a title yet as I am confused with two options in my mind . So here you guys decide the Title for the next by commenting below !!

This is a Poll / Comment by clicking on the Title you like ( can comment whatever but just let me know which one you want it to be )

Narry Storan


Narry Stylan

Not that unique but you will see the pattern when Triquel will be released ( hehehehe, I don't know if Triquel is even a word ) ( if it is not then wth ! Now it is )

I have other books to attend to as many new works will be coming soon .I am not going to start with the sequel right away . But I will he giving you a date or month when I will publish it

And I am going to stop talking or else I will have nothing to write about in the Next Chapter ;)

Once again , Thanks for being a part of this book and having my back till the end. I am so happy that I was able to complete the story ( that's the authors joy ) and more happy because you guys loved it ! ( I hope you did !)

Thank You Lovelies ❤

( Sequel details in next chapter ( Hint:Not a thriller ) )

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now