Chapter 24

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Harry's POV

This is not happening , this is so not happening . Never in my dream did I thought doing this movie would turn out like this for me . I can't think straight at all. Confused , frustrated and more scared than ever I made my way towards the car not glancing once at Niall .I know he was behind me though , I could here the footsteps.

We both got in the car and Paul began to drive . The at osphere in the car was tense ,for me it was I don't have any idea what is Niall feeling or thinking for that matter. The silence is cut by Niall's voice and my fingers pause on my phone as I was currently typing a message.

"Why are we heading at yours ?" He asked , I tilted my head to look at him and big mistake! His eyes were brighter than ever or maybe they look bright when in dark or at night. Shaking my head from my messed up thoughts I sent the message before speaking .

"All the boys are there , they wanted to have a movie night . I just texted  Liam that we are on the way ." he nodded sastisfied with my answer but then  gave me a croked smile saying teasingly " They ? "

I looked at him blankly , confused as to what he was going about "Hun"

He shook his head giggling , oh my ! Giggling , he is so cute when he giggles .

Stop it harry ! You didn't just think he is cute .

"Well , you said they wanted to um have a movie night " I couldn't help but laugh at what he was implying .

"Okay .Lou .. He wanted to have movie night with his lads !" Soon we were in fits of laughter and I couldn't help but think this is so natural and how we look as a couple .

God I need to get my head straight.

It was 12 o'clock at night and we already had watched two movies and at the end of the second movie Louis and Niall fell asleep . Zayn was in the balcony on his phone busy talking as was Liam but he was sitting beside Louis on the floor .

"Liam ?" I called checking if he was still awake , this might be the only time and person to talk . He looked at me giving me a questioning stare . I tilted my head to the side as I said " Can I please talk to you for second , it is important ?" He looked at me seriously considering me before smiling putting his phone on the sofa he got up .

"Sure." I smiled thankfully and removed Niall's head from my shoulder putting a pillow instead . He turned away from me cuddling into Louis . We all were sitting down on carpet  and blankets while watching movie . I pushed away the blankets and got up walking ahead into the kitchen  . Checking once to see if they were still asleep I peered out , seemingly satisfied I turned around to only meet with Liam's worried look.

And before I can say anything he started "What is it Harry ? Is everything alright ?" I nodded and he breathed a sigh of relief but then shook my head making him worried ahead .

"No , nothing is Li. I don't know what is happening ! I don't know what to think or feel ! I ... I don't know what to do !" Liam took few steps towards me standing right in front of me "What did you do ? " I scoffed at him at the dumb question and he rolled his eyes .

"And feeling ? What is going on Haz?" I sat myself on the stool placing my head in my hands .." I don't know ... I just know that I am scared Li and I don't know what to do about it "

Liam sat down beside me "Well maybe start from the beginning and tell me everything .Harry , don't leave anything out ." That's what I like about Liam , he was like the big brother you never had . He always listens to us , babies us and will always tell us what to do . Although he was bad at geography.

"It all started with the movie . I knew what I signed up for , I was going to play boyfriend to another guy . And then things happened ..." I dont know how to articulate but Liam helps by asking "You mean playing boyfriend to Niall.Is this about Niall ?"

I nodded , there is silence I know he was waiting for me to explain.

"I.. .Everything was okay after we did our first two scenes. Julie and the team wanted us to act like a couple , like a practise so that we can be comfortable with each other . So we held hands and kissed a few times ..." Liam's eyes were wide when I looked at him , I wanted to laughed but I continued " We were close already so it was easy for us , we had decided how we were going to handle . But then we never had to work for it , I mean we never had to do something because we had to ,you know . See what I am trying to say is all those kisses and acting like a couple came naturally to us , to me . And at the club we ended up making out and I don't know Liam I liked it  , I really did . No girl has ever made me feel the way Ni , he did . Then today at the shoot  Julie told us to do a make out scene and I was ....… I wanted to do it with him."

I paused pouring out all my thoughts , but I was not finished and Liam knew that as he signed me to go on .

"Looking at other guys I dont feel ...attracted ? But now I can tell that Niall's eyes are crystal blue , that when he blushes his cheeks go that adorable pink shade and his laugh, it is beautiful to my ears and when he cries , it breaks my heart Li. He is so soft when I touch him and his lips taste so  sweet . He pushes his chin in his neck trying to be cute when he wants more food . And God ! Liam this is so messed up . "

I sigh my eyes burning with frustration and I look up when I hear a light laugh .  I look at Liam as he laugs before slapping my shoulder .

"You my friend like him ,a lot . Or might possibly love him " looking at my frightens expression I know I am wearing he continues "Look Harry , I know it might be scary but he is our Niall okay . And I am talking for you both here  when I say take it slow and  most importantly Harry come to terms with your feelings , don't hide away . I know you do. Everything will work out ."

I shake my head at that "What if he doesn't like me Li ? I dont even know if he is into boys ?! oh my god !" I panic , I never thought about it , this is really scary .

Liam can sense my panic as he gives me a stern look
"When you are with him, does it look like he is into it?"

I nod my head, clearing my thoughts "  He does seem into it .But it all can be acting "

Liam shakes his head smiling at me " Not everything can be acting Harry. Give it time okay . Give yourself and him time don't rush . Take it one day at a time . And if you have feelings for him , then you have feelings for him ,  nothing wrong in it  ."

I nod as he gives me a side hug before saying " Now let's go sleep ."

I have to give it time and see if I have feelings for him or is it just atraction for me . I have no issues of my sexuality , of me being gay or bi, for me love is love . The only thing that scares me is me having feelings for Niall , my best mate and him of reciprocating it . 

What I am going to do now ?


So Harry is coming to terms with his feelings , realising that he do has feelings for our Nialler .

Now , what will happen with these two ?

Will they confess their love ? Or not ? or will something else will happen?

To find out keep reading Faking Narry

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now