Chapter 45

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Bright light flashes in his eyes making him scrunch them up. He tried to pull his hand to cover the daylight but is not able to . His eyes open wide awake and look down at his body , only to see his is tied up just like he was last night. .

Lets just say coming here to confront Andrew was the biggest fucking mistake of his life. He doesn't even remember what day it is today as he looks at the almost empty apartment assembled with four chairs and a table. The thought of being kidnapped and will possibly murdered gives him a headache. He thought after winning x-factor and being in the biggest world band his past will remain a distant memory , the one which he had once forgotten. But now he is relieving all over again.

He curses the day he fell for him , the time he decided to be with him and is mad so mad right now that he was blindly in love with Andrew , that his eyes opened in the worst way possible. His thoughts are halted as a bucket of water is splashed on him making his shirt stick to his body. He shudders at the cold water sipping through his shirt down his pants. He locks eyes with the boy in front of him

"Good morning babe. How are you doing today?" He choose not to answer looking him straight in the eye. He watches as Andrew steps forward the evil grin not leaving his face as he pulls him by his hair making him cry out .

He drags his fingers on Niall's cheek and kiss him behind his ear. He whispers softly and sensually in his ear making the blonde lad cry.

It feels so good with you

When you're arounddd

There is something magical in the air

Its only you , you

"What, not talking now darling ? You had a lot to say when you came down to meet me"

"Well as I told you I am very much flattered ,here I was trying to destroy you but you came running back to me like a slut and so . So my dear Niall I have decided to make you mine tonight"he winked causing shivers run down Niall's spine. He is already dreading tonight. He wishes Harry to come here and whisk him away from this Nialler.

"that will never happen!" he shouts at Andrew's retreating back making him turn around with an amused expression

"And how is that going to happen?"

"Harry will be here ! He will take him away !"

"Ummm....ya the curly one who is straight might I add . One word from me and he will leave you . And then I will come to you and we will live happily ever fucking after"

"That will never happen!" Niall shouts angrily

Andrew smirks "Oh it will , now I am going out important business to attend . Stay in that chair. See you in the evening sweetheart"

He slams the door not before giving an evil grin making Niall slum on his chair trapped .

A tear runs down his cheek as he thinks of what will happen tonight

- Evening -

"ready princess . God you are so smooth baby " Andrew drawls out dragging his fingers up Niall's neck , his lips dragging on his cheek as Niall squirms around.He puts his legs in between Niall and sit down on his lap .

"Stop !" Niall cries turning his face away from him but Andrew is having none of it. He starts grinding on him making tears run down Niall's face as he realizes there is no Harry , no one that will rescue him . He should have told them , he should have said someone about Andrew or else this wouldn't have happened.

"Remember those nights Niall ? We had so much fun " Andrew grins tearing Niall's shirt and touching his chest . Niall squirms more in his chest , tugging at his hands wishing for the rope to loosen . Andrew proceeds down is chest , to his tummy and to his jeans and Niall starts to beg .

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now