Chapter 14

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How did I missed this one 👆👆gonña watch this video again 😉
About this chapter I am gonna warn you brace yourself it is gong to be one long ass chapter

I actually wanted to divide this in two PartS ! But couldn't seem to break it off . So here it is .....



Fuck !!!

Fuckfuckfuck !!! It is the tenth time I have cursed in last twenty minutes . I am pacing around in my living room like some blood crazed vampire , I think I am going crazy .I definitely I am or soon will be as Louis last words keep repeating in my mind building up all disgusting scenarios.

You will not believe the amount of crazy shit my brain has manage to conjure up . I think with this rate I am gonna go mental.

After I left from studio , like two hours ago everything was fine . But then my mind cant help but think what Louis and Harry might be upto and things like ' do they have a makeout scene - or a boyfriend -date scene' .Safe to say I hate the idea of those two together.

I shudder at the thought .

I distracted myself with movie for last one hour but nothing could keep away from my mind running their.

So here I am pacing like maniac , tugging at my roots with my hands as I take a look at my phone placed on the glass table in front of me . I start contemplating pro's and con's of my next moment and before I have reached solution I am already picking up my phone.

Fuck it ! Bloody Hell !! I think as I scroll through the contact list and reach the person I wanted now .

Am I acting like a love sick puppy ? Probably not , I believe I am not that deep .

Am I acting like a jealous bitch ? I Probably am , but you haven't yet seen half of it .

These are my thoughts as I hear the phone ring , they might be busy with the shooting ,my subconscious argues but I tell it to fuck of right now.

I leave a breathe as my call is being answered .

" Hey Niall what can I do for you ?" Julie speaks from the other end and I struggle to respond , what do I want , I should just keep the phone .

Yet again , before I can come to conclusion my mouth is already working . no dirty thoughts here you guys ;)

" Ya , I just wanted ....see the boys and I were thinking , you know now that we are acting in the movie ..." Niall takes a deep breathe pausing and their is faint " and ?"

He continues , his right hand tugging his roots as he starts pacing with his head bent down .

" Ya ,umm.... We just wanted to know what the whole movie is about ?you know like ..." He is cut by Julie "Like a storyline ? " , Niall mutters a sure and then asks " It is okay right ?"

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now