Chapter 37

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Niall's pov

It is day 3 of our shooting and we are doing the second scene out of four we have to do here in this town . So far everything is looking great , everyone is energetic around the set probably because today we got incredible amount of time to sleep in as the shoot was going to start in the afternoon . So after a lunch in the hotel restaurant everyone packed up to the set .

The scene was to be in between buildings and a lake site . So we drove in the city to the right location choosed by the art team. Some of the boys from the crew were with Harry and me as we goofed around before the scene.

We all lads decided to go to this club tonight we saw while coming here . Everyone agreeing and clapping as Harry announced he will be paying for everybody . I invited Jules and Amy along with us and they invited two more girls as they thought the girls were less in number than the boys,

I couldn't help but ask Harry " There are to many people Haz , are you sure you will be paying for each one of them ?" I know he is from the biggest boy band and he has all the money to waste but I wanted him to be sure because he was commiting to this people.

He smiled at me placing his hand on my shoulder as he gave me a side smile saying "Don't worry Ni, I will manage few drinks to waster." I nodded not having any arrguement whatsoever.


One hour went by and Harry was now in the makeup , in one of the vanity vans they got . I was standing at the side as I watched directors and editors plan the segment . I also gave my one of two inputs , and luckily they considered with encouraging words and soon I was bouncing around me being apart of the team's discussion as from were we will enter and walk and how we will talk.

Jules also came with the script and took me aside as they continued to discuss. She started explaining but my eyes had their own mind as I stared at the god himself as he walked towards us getting out of the vanity van .

Jules stopped speaking realsiing I wasn't paying her an inch of an attention as she looked at me then at him and then me . But I didn't spare her a glance , not even once as I had eyes only for Harry Styles. My heart was beating the longer he walked , all in black shirt and jeans , pair of sunglasses sitting on his nose and pink plump lips I wanted to kiss. And I thanked all the god in heaven and on earth if there are that the scene had a kiss in it.

"You are whipped really whipped " she was laughing and I blushed as he stopped a few feet away talking to the team of creators. I can see him looking at me once a while and I would be lying if I said my heart didn't fluttered

I distractedly looked at Jules gesturing her to go on and she did.

I felt a shiver as I felt someone staring at me . I looked at his side to see his back turned to me. Distractedly and panicked I scanned all over the place , as I had a feeling someone was infact looking at me . I searched for my mobile in my pocket and not finding it I actually felt the panic start to rise , oh jesus.

I quickly excused myself from Jules as I rushed to the vanity not even looking back once. I stepped in taking deep breathe as flashes ran infront of my mind .


I was running again , in the dark , trees everywhere . I was looking twice back , sweating profusely legs trembling. I ran forward into the woods hearing a wolf cry and I scrambled in my pockets in search of my phone

Flashback end

I scrambled through my bag throwing it at no sight of phone. I reached forward to the dressing table and looked through all the stupid things kept on it. My fingers were trembling as two – three bottles fell on the ground. Sweat was tearing through me and I was sure I was about to have a panic attack. As one more memory blinded my vision .


I scrambled in my pockets in search of my phone which was nowhere to be found . I heard a deep voice behind me and ran faster all the while yelling "pleassse " "helppp" but no one came , no one in sight . My leg slipped on the big root of the tree poking from the ground sending me rolling on the ground . I tried to get up but slipped everytime . I can hear them coming , closer and closer as the sound of the feet slamming on the ground got louder and louder .

I however got up as fast as I could , I sensed unconscious slowly slipping in but can still feel the cold liquid which my panic mind decoded to be blood , my blood .

I was about to run but a hand caught me , my body slamming backward to his chest . I know its him , I can smell him , I can sense his present . His hands splayed on my stomach nails digging in , as warm breathe spread in my ear making me shiver from the words that would be coming .

"Enough running Nialler"

Flashback end

I staggered back , placing my hand on my head as it hurt and I knew I am going into panic attack . I still searched for my phone in the drawers , jolsting them in and out . I heard door knob being turned sending my heart into over drive .

I whirled around as the door opened and bend as a piercing pain shot through my head .

"Niall every-" his voice got cut as foot steps neared me . I splayed my hand in front yelling stop .all I could hear is a terrified voice " Niall , its me Harry . What is happening?"

Harry ? harry , my harry ? I looked up through blured vision and fell into his arms "Haz"and after that everything went dark. 



Intense chapter hun ? pretty short chapter too !

Taking an opportunity with this kind of short chapter (believe me others are going to be pretty long )

and the fact that this story has reached 3.5 k YAY!!!



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