Chapter 1

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Here is the first chapter of Faking Narry

Enjoy :)


* Tuesday Morning Before the Meeting *


I swipe my hair to my left side looking in the mirror and then do it to the right. hair is just weird. They don't just sit well , they are either to sloppy or floppy .

I thread my fingers through them trying to pull them up in quiff. I try to tame them into the regular style ,but today they won't just obey.

Not really satisfied I pout and put the remaining buttons of my shirt. I looked once over in the mirror and shook my head- well , what the hell ! see what's the point anyway.

I opened my door , well technically Harry's , as it was his room. Last night I was at Harry's and slept in his room , I guess. Talking about him , where the hell he is ? I didn't see him once in his room since morning. Okay , since I got up . I made my way towards the kitchen guessing he would be their .

I was met with three sets of eyes looking right back up .

What the hell?!!

" God !! Niall we all can sit together and have breakfast once in a while annnnd we are allowed in Harry's apartment too." Zayn said , trying to be sassy .

I blushed and nod my head , oops , guess I said it out loud.

"But seriously , what's up with you all ?" I asked sitting down pulling up a stool beside Harry.

Liam replied "Well after you went upstairs last night , you fell asleep . Then we all played some games and decided to stay the night since it was already late..."

"Naaah ..... Liam was too lazy to give us a ride." Louis sassed as we laughed.

I looked at Harry's side hearing his laugh , he was just so beautiful . I never thought boys could be beautiful , but he was soo beautiful yet handsome in a manly way. He had this intense green eyes that will look at you and make you feel like you are the only one important in the world. A smile with those dimples at the sides punctuating it , that makes you feel all mushy inside. And his arms , and legs and chest and how can I forget , his curly brown thick locks ....Oh!!! Just all of him .

I heard a cough and immediately snap my face and look at the yummy food place in front of me not before Louis's teasing gaze.

Guess I was looking too hard or drooling all over him .

Not that I mind really , I mean look at him.....

Okay , before i make my self obvious I dig in my food . Putting the bacon and then eggs followed by toast and reaching for cheese puffs after. If there is anything in the world that can make me drool other than Harry Styles is FOOD !!!!

Food is a blessing by god ! I can eat , breathe and even love food! Okay , went too far their.

I snapped out of my thoughts from the wonder land of food to listen in the conversation flowing around me.

" Any idea what the meeting is going to be about ?" Harry asked munching his bacon. And I had this uneasy feeling in m stomach , I ignored it looking at everyone.

" I don't know Harry , might be something relating to the shows and all."Liam said sipping his juice as I looked around sipping mine.

Louis who was sitting beside Harry on the other side screamed " Maybe because of Larry !!! Don't you think Harry boo?" he finished making kissy faces at Harry moving his head towards him, as Harry blushed grabbing his lips.

It took all my willpower not to get up and throw him out of the house possibly on the sidewalk or maybe grab Harry and lock him up in his room far away from Louis .

ZAyn gave me a knowing look and I quickly put a smile on my face , trying to cool down and not get questioned .

I smiled at Zayn and took a piece of cucumber slice from his plate munching it. He didn't say anything nor did he complained just ruffled my hair which I was glad for.

Yes , I did it to distract myself and not see the larry scene going in front of me. Yes, I was a jealous bitch . Yes, I had a crush on Harry . And NO we are not together. We can never be together. Cause he is not interested in penis or he is just not interested in me. Either way clearly of happening.

I straightened up eating my food , " Lets just go and see what the meeting is about. Niall finish up fast and others get ready . We have to leave in like 15 minutes , I will call Paul." With that Liam got up throwing his plate in the sink , Zayn and Louis followed laughing at his bossy tone.

Louis jumping on Liam's back as I called out "Okay daddy!"

I heard a small gasp and then a cough coming from my right side. I looked at Harry who was rubbing his chest and asked " You okay Hazza?" He nodded smiling at me slightly.

I had piled up my plate with more food after finishing the first batch Liam served . I had still small portion left as I continued to finish it , as I notice Harry's place empty.

I asked him as he was just surfing twitter not getting up like others "Haz,When did you wake up ?"

He looked at me before looking back at the phone " Early Ni , I was just not feeling sleepy really"

"So you didn't come home last night?" I said intrigued .

He shut his phone putting in his pants pocket now completely focusing on me "I did Ni , a little late when you all were asleep." I smiled at his reply and picked up my juice not before saying.

"You ready for the meeting, Harry?" Harry frowned and nodded questioning me . I chugged down the juice given to me " I just have this feeling ...that is not going to be umm..good." I finished already feeling lame.

He smiled that smile of his and then suddenly his thumb landed at the corner of my lips rubbing it,brushing the crumbs of food away. That single gesture made my heart race like it is an NFS racing car .

He is just so cute sometimes "Everything is going to be fine Ni, I will be there with you." And if I thought my heart was a NFS racing car , now I think it is upgraded to a jet , maybe rocket, I am not sure which.

I blushed nodding at his words " Th...Thanks Haz ." Harry smiled pulling me up by my hand in his.

"Cummon Ni lets go, everyone might be waiting." I laughed as he walked ahead of me " You are not even ready idiot." He turned around slightly lowering his head , glaring at me playfully his cheeks a little red.

" I know that Nialler , just going up and will be back in a minute." I laughed at his dorkiness as he headed up .

As I was about to head to the door , I was turned around by someone grabbing my arm and was pulled in a hug.

I didn't need to see who it was, as I inhaled in the familiar scent .

" And don't you ever worry Ni, it is just a stupid meeting discussing some stupid stuff." I nodded in his neck, still doubting .

He smiled at me and placed a quick kiss on my forehead before running away. I walked in the living room waiting for the others , the smile on my lips not leaving.

I am in wonder of him , how he just goes from sexy to cute to absolute dorky on the verge of silly to loving and making my heart race in matter of couple minutes.

Its insane . He is insane or maybe I am insane for having a crush on someone who will never love me back.

I sigh putting my shoes as I hear Liam calling " Lets get going everyone!"

And I can't help but feel dread.



Niall is soo cute isn't he ???

My Niall feels are all over the place , its unreal .

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now