Chapter 10

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If you guys can please share this story or I don't know add to Reading List or something , It Will Really Mean A lot 😊 I want this one to reach as many views as possible !!

I have started writing by reading you guys awesome stories only 😊.

So I know mine is not going to be that wonderful , But it will really mean A Lot 😘
Warning : Nary Drabble , Cute Narry scene coming up

2146 WORDS


Five days , five fucking days of nothing . Five absolute days of not talking to Harry. Five days of not hearing his voice , looking in his sparkled green eyes or talking to him about everything and nothing. Five days of me contemplating in the confines of my home whether or not to call Harry.

And then not calling him - or meeting him , just nothing. The only contact I had was with Liam . The only talks were of Liam telling me how they are doing - their shoots are going. Of Louis pranking some people at the shoot and being a troublemaker. Of the normally level headed Zayn joining in the fun . And how it bothered liam , how it irritated him that no one was listening to him .

But not once did I heard of Harry , of where he was or what was he up to . The last I heard from him , talk to him was five days ago . The night while coming back after Julie telling us she is giving us days off.

Days to figure us out , to make it work with us , to practice and be ready. And I don't know how much days she is willing to spare. Because right now , we are nowhere near done , we haven't even started . The only practice I did was of searching about stuff on the net .

God ! The stuff I found , the stuff I saw and read . How people make this stuff is beyond me , everything about it was beyond me. I have never blushed so much in my entire life the way I did last night!

The memories of the videos , the fanfictions - the smuts are etched in my brain. And I bet $100 they are not going to go away, not so soon anyways. The thought of Harry going in my brain through it all ,god I am pathetic and disgusting . I am horrible , horrible friend to fantasize his best friend.

But I can't help it , no , I can't , can't help the feeling I get in the pit of my stomach , the way my toes curls and mind goes in overdrive just by the thought of him and definitely can't help the red color that stays on my cheeks for hours to come. I have not been so flushed in my entire life and harry wasn't even here.

I am bored , sitting on the couch of my duplex apartment and watching last nights match . I have showered in the noon after I got up , I skipped my breakfast but had a heavy lunch. Now , it is 5:30 pm and I can't help but feel lonely and just plain bored.

I was pondering and contemplating pros and con's of calling Harry . I had not even figured if the pros are over cons or vice versa and I don't even try to as I pick my phone up from the table and bring it in front of my eyes. I click open my contacts list still lying on my couch . My finger hover over his name waiting for someone to give me a sign , of whether this was a good or bad idea.

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now