Chapter 11

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Where the hell are Niall and Harry ?!?!

This Hiatus is gonna be the death of me !


Anyway here is the next chapter


< Previously In Faking Narry >

He made himself comfortable on my couch before gesturing me to bring the pizza. I made my way towards him handing him the pizza I asked " You need coke , tea ?"feeling slightly awkward .

He smiled at me taking the box out of the bag and answered " Coke is fine by me ." ( AN : Coco cola is called coke in my country , if you guys confused)

I nodded and padded my way to the kitchen , before I could reach I heard him calling " Hurry up Niall ! Pizza will get cold !" I yelled a yes and hurried myself.

After getting our drinks I made myself to the couch and saw him shuffling through the channels . I sat beside him taking a pizza piece after setting our glasses down .

He looked at me " Nemo , Fast and furious or Notebook ?" (AN : okay , I admit , little clichéd their , but what can I say , cliche rules , ;) ) I gave him a nod and answered before digging into my slice.

We sat in silence for awhile eating and drinking , sitting beside each other as Nemo played in front of us.



We sat in silence for awhile eating and drinking , sitting beside each other as Nemo played in front of us.

And who said the movie is only for kids ? It is best movie and now one of my favourites as I am watching it with my one favourite person.

Nemo is the cutest little thing , but I love Dora ! She is the sassiest fish I have ever seen. God bless Ellen for giving her voice .

As the movie proceeds Harry and I start talking to each other , discussing the movie , clothes in general. No , we are not teenage girls who can only talk about skirts and all, before you think any further , no we don't wear skirts nor fancy them for that matter.

We are just discussing the photoshoot we have in next week for an upcoming clothing chain.

As we talk my eyes fall on the only piece remaining in the plate and I wait not taking it . Maybe, he wants it , he did said he was hungry.

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now