Chapter 16

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Have you ever been woken up from a deep sleep . Like you are asleep and in this intense dream totally cut out from the outside world .The moment when you don't know whether you're awake or still dreaming , and then you are just woken up soo badly that you fall out of the bed and end up getting hit on your head .

Well , if not you are lucky , and if you have , I can say I feel ya . Today , my day started something like that . I was asleep dreaming , it was intense , I don't even remember the dream anymore .But hey ! It was something .And then bam ! My phone blares like crazy and it was not due to alarm .

As I slap my hand on the table from the floor I had landed and put the phone on my ear . of course , I didn't check the caller , I bloody didn't even open my eyes yet . But they do fly open as I scramble around like a fish out of water .

"Hun .?! What ?! " I speak groggily in to the receiver . The voice that melts my heart every time I hear replies " I say ,you were sleeping.I am sorry ." the sentence is statement more than a question .
" Its okay Haz , what did you call for ?" I ask as I place my head on the floor , finding it lazy to go on the bed again.

" Well , I am with Gemma today , would you like to join us ?" He asks and I am confused " You don't have shoot or something ?"
"No , not me atleast . I don't know about others ,Wait a minute do you ?" I laugh at his politeness , he is so sweet sometimes .

"No , I don't ." he replies with a hmmm " So , I will meet you for ..." he quickly adds " lunch and then we can spend the day together ."

I quickly agree , I get to spend my whole day with Harry . Now I don't mind the way i woke up and how mad i was about it.

My day just got 1000X better .

<At Lunch>

Harry's POV ( surprise , surprise 😉)

I got out of the car and hurried towards the passenger seat and opened it . Gemma , got down with a little struggle as I held her hand helping her climb down.

We entered the restaurant , Gemma wanted to seat outside 'its a fresh day ' she claimed but I explained her the scene of papz and with a pregnancy , I didn't want anything to happen to both .

She agreed after some negotiation here and there and finally agreed to seat inside , but by the window . God , this pregnant woman , they have to have everything their way . But I love her ,so here we are now ,I am helping Gem into her seat .I then proceed to sit in the seat opposite of her .

I look around taking in the ambience of the restaurant as Gemma already starts to open the menu. It is quite today , small families and few couples here and there , but not that crowded . Then again it is a week day , so majority are off to work .

I am brought out of my thoughts by Gemma's voice , I look at her turning my head towards her " So , Niall is joining us ?" She asks still looking at the dishes .

I nod my head as I answer yes . She nods her head " Lovely , I have not meet him since , since like four months !" She looks up eyes filled with sparkle and I smile at her , it is just a reflex .Being with Gemma makes me feel as if I am back home.

I sigh " Yes , You know we are doing a movie ?" She sips her water as she mutters a "yup" , with 'p' popped around her straw.

I don't know what is going with me lately , I mean everytime I hear someone say Niall , there is a certain feeling in the pit of my stomach and I can't explain it .

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now