Chapter 5

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I want to talk about this before I get any angry comments .

The story is not edited and I write on my mobile as I have three other stories going on along with this one.

So editing all is impossible and I did tried editing the previous and this one , but my mobile hanged up . So I am scared it will delete all my stuff and I can't afford to loose any. 

So I apologize before hand for any of my silly mistakes , I will also take care to not make any But just in case , please understand :)

Having said that , Enjoy the Story 

1206. WORDS '



I entered the big room , it was spacious inside . There were to big couches placed , a small table in the middle , there were also two chairs adjoining and a tv screen in the corner . There was a glass partition and on the other side was where I guess the test will be done. The windows were open and curtains were flying in the air because of the wind . There was lots of food kept on the small table. Amy had told us , to make ourselves at home .

Louis number was first , so he was nearing to  the other side of the glass partition with a girl. I went and sat myself down beside Zayn taking up the plate of chips gobbling in . Liam and Harry standing near the door  and on the other couch were  Steve and Amy talking. Julie went and grabbed herself a chair . She was going through some documents .

Zayn said to me " You okay now , Niall?" I gave him a confused look not understanding what he was going on about .

" I saw in the elevator , Sorry that we forgot about ... your umm.You alright?" He said smiling apologetically I quickly pulled him in a hug and said " Don't Zayn. Its okay , I am fine." I knew he will beat himself up for  forgetting and I didn't want that .

" Besides Harry helped ." I smiled looking at Harry who was in an animated conversation with Liam . I heard Zayn saying " Ya , I saw that." I looked at Zayn and he had a smirk on his face .

I raised my eyebrow at him and he laughed " Oh Niall" I gave him a dirty look as he ruffled my hair , my gaze wandered to Julie who had a smile on her lips as she was going through a file.Liam and Harry joined us on the couch.

I again looked at him and hissed " Why are you smirking ?" Zayn popped his tongue and said shaking his head " Oh .. Nothing." I was about to reply but was cut by Julie .

" Okay listen , guys ?" we all turned to look at her .

" Okay, So this is going to be really simple . I am going to brief you up a little ." She paused asking for permission , we all nodded our head for her to continue.

" Generally, the screen test is done to see whether an actor is suitable for a movie or for the script. In this case we have already selected you as the actors . So , now why this test you might be thinking ?" She paused for our reaction , We all nodded slightly confused .

She sat in front of us and smiled " Let me explain it to you all , so you guys will know what is going on here. See the thing is the story , will be revolving around you guys , we will be showing your real personalities but the plot is going to be fictional. We want to atleast keep you real , the way you talk , react to a particular situation. Now , we are doing this because you guys have no experience in acting . So it will be quite easier for you ."

Liam raised his arm telling her he wants to speak " So , like the story will be fiction but we have to not act all just be ourselves. ?" He said as if he was asking "That's correct Liam . Rest of you got it?" We all nodded and I was beginning to feel like we were in school and Julie was our teacher.

"So now , on the screen testing part , See, you have got roles to play ,characters if you will . So , this test , will help me and my team decide whom to cast for what role. "

We smilled at her nodding our heads and saying few words to tell her we got it and are okay with it . By the time , we were done talking to her Louis entered with a smile on his face .

Harry asked " How did it go?" He jumped sideways on his lap , half on Harry and half on Zayn , as we laughed at his antics , Me trying to laugh .

"It was fun . You guys are next." Julie spoke after that getting our attention to her. I saw Harry who was smilling at Louis , pushed him aside looking at her.

" Before , the next one goes . I wanted to tell you, after you guys are done call Amy. She will bring you to the second floor . There we will talk about what the story line is and give you the script . Also , we will tell you who are you playing . Good?" She asked .

I asked slightly confused " Julie , you guys will get the test results so soon? I mean , you will be giving us role today ?" She smiled and said " Good question Niall. "

"After your test , Amy will taking you to your lounge were you guys can have your lunch. Then come down by the time we will have made our decision ."

I laughed at her , happy we were getting food and then stopped as Harry began to speak. He was not happy for some reason as he asked her almost rudely " So , we don't have any say in the roles?"

Julie smiled as she had almost reached the door . She grabbed the handle turning it before smiling softly at Harry " I am casting director for a reason Harry ."

"Have fun guys , Meet you later ." with that she was out .

Amy came to us as we all looked at Harry confused and Liam patted his head .

Zayn said" That was rude ." Louis replied before anyone of us can " But a good question , come on guys . He just asked her something he thought he needed to . Leave it."

Before any of us can say anything Amy spoke " Okkay , so who is next ?"



So this is kind of a filler chapter , but equally important. I will be updating soon !! 

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now