Chapter 22

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Niall's POV

Dazed , flustered , Dazed.

This are the only emotions going through me. Last night's events are the only thing on my mind today. Is it even possible to be able to feel every touch , every motion after so many hours ? Is it even possible to still get goosebumps on places he has touch ? Is it even possible to still feel the touch of his plump lips on mine?there is only one answer to above questions and it is yes.

Because Yes , I can still feel him , hear his laugh and remember his voice . I was not that drunk , I don't get drunk that easily after just a few drinks . But yes I had quite a few drinks and I know how I can be when I am drunk. So my behaviour yesterday doesn't surprise me at all . What surprises more is the way Harry was with me.

I am not going to lie I loved every second of it . Even if today Harry tells me it was nothing or that he doesn't remember it I am going to treasure it. It was the best night although it lasted for few minutes , I have never been with him like that. I know we behave like a couple ,kissing evey now and flirting all the time but that is just a harmless banter . And I have gotten use to call it just banter and nothing elese , to save myself from thinking too deep about this .

I got a message from Julie that I have to report for a scene today . I don't know if he is going o be there or not. I am not able to decide if I even want him there. A part of me doesnt want for him to show while a part of me wants to see him . Wants to know if he remembers last night. Wants to know if he felt something , anything when I was on him , when I touched him. Wants to talk to him about what he thinks of me , us.

But I know I will never be able to . Hell , he doesn't even know I am gay or that I am irrovacably in love him .

As I drive the car towards my destination I want to just stop go back and curl up into the corner. What if he is angry ? Or disgusted by me ? I can never live knowing Harry see me differently. My heart was pounding so loudly I bet it is going to make me deaf. I was greeted by Amy , one of the two asistants of Julie's . She smiled brightly at me for walking me inside , her heels clicking as sh motioned me to follow. I noded at her rushing wind her.

God ! This one can walk like an ant hurriedly toward the door

As I entered I saw people working on cameras , on sets placing books and thing as per instruction . It was just not one set , it was two sets seperated by a wall . One had a library look which was like a big hall and the other was of a living rom with couch which was also biger than mine. Both the sets had a different vibe and atmosphere . The library kind of looked like the one we see in Harry Potter or any big English schools 's and the living room was just lie one we see in suburbs . Everyone was moving dong their job and I can sense so much energy flowing in this room . My eyes roamed everywhere trying to look for any of the lads studio but to my luck they were nowhere to be seen. There are extras sitting on the side area with couches and a man John who was playing our history teacher .

Maybe I have an individual scene today , the thought itself relaxed my tense shoulder. I left a huge breath and started to search for Julie . I Julie in the far back the corner talking in hushed tones before turning me. I give up on searching for her. I waved at her when her face was turned in my direction , she showed me a one minute with her finger signalling someone to me .

I smiled and shook hands with Steve as he lead me to the couch placed in set of the living room.

" Julie will be with you in a minute ,we are just waiting for others to arrive ." He smiled handling some paper as he talked .

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