Chapter 25

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Niall's POV

Real and Reel , this two words are their for a reason . The difference between them is lot . Reality is what we live in , the time or things that happen with us in our life . And the reel is something that is showed to us , the imaginations of the artist , that is something from someone's imagination and creativity . It is what we called as fantasy world , were people's fantasy come true.

Right now the difference between what is real and reel is diminishing in my life . I am confused as too what happening between me and Harry is real or not . You can say Harry Styles was my fantasy , the one which I had lost hope of it ever becoming real . Which with this movie became real , okay not real but I had him in reel life and for me that was okay . It was okay because I knew Harry will never love me , he only sees me as a brother or bestfriend and a bandmate . To tell you the truth it hurt , hurt like a b*itch but I knew it can never be real however much I wanted it to happen.

But now with the way we are I always seem to forget it is not real , this everything , the way we act as a couple , the way Harry behaves with me gentlemanly and so sweet . I know it is not real but I can't help but feel that it is , feel that there is something between us other than acting . I know I should back up right now and let my thoughts gp or else I would be the one falling on the ground so hard and it will break me . To tell yourself not to do is one thing and to actually implement is other .

I am falling in love with him , I am and it is happening day by day and I have passed the point to catch myself before I jump of the cliff. Its like I am free falling with each passing moment and at anytime I am going to fall in the water . The things he does to me are just abchejehkl , like for instance right now evryone is up after last night's sleep .

Liam is cooking , Louis is in the shower which i got just out dom and Zayn is with Harry on the couch talking . As I walk out ready going to sit with them Liam calls all of us for breakfast .

I go and take my place at the table because I am hungry and haven't had anything since morning which is a loot of time .Harry comes and sits beside me with Zayn beside Liam in front of us , Liam asks for Louis and as I have food in my mouth I point at the bedroom door . He nods understanding although I don't think he understood if he is sleeping or in shower.

I freeze as I feel fingers on my lips , I turn to the side to see Harry rubbing the corner of my lips and then wipes his hand on the napkin. I blush at that . the single gesture taking me back to the breakfast we had before the meeting , before working in this movie and the feeling he gave me , my heart racong like a NFS car is still there . I think it will never go away . And the fact that since that day we have gotten closer than before and I cant be more than happy about it although it is confusing me sometimes .

I quickly look to the others if they saw what just happened , but both of them are busy talking and I turn again to give Harry a questioning stare to which he smiles his dimpled smile .Okay , kill me now "You had crumbs on ...." He leaves ths sentence while gesturing towars his lips .

I nodded gulping down the mouthful and reply with a small smile " Thanks " and tomy surprise he replies with "No problem Babe " leaving me gaping .

After the breakfast which Louis joined in as well , we all are sitting on the couch in the leaving, well Liam is laying on the floor and Louis beside while Zayn on chair. I and Harry are siting so close that his sides are rubnig mine although there is a lot of space on he couch I want to question him ,at his choice of position but I don't. I am enjoying this too much . Harry has his arm resting behind me fingers brushing my back every now and then , and I am trying to suppress the moan that is on the verge of coming out . God ! what is he doing ?

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