Chapter 33

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Niall's POV

Andrew's words rang in my head as I made it to the studio . There was meeting being conducted to discuss our remaining scenes , ours meaning  me and Harry . I am currently stuck in the traffic I doubt will die anytime soon.

Watching TV , sleeping and working out none of the things seems to keep the words repeating in my words ,the dialogues been played like a broken CD . And it was frustrating , I hate him . I really hate him . Why doesn't he just leave me alone ! Why he is breaking me ?!

He is piece by piece and its not even being two weeks of his return . Actually not two , its been atleast a month since the day I began to chat with a ' fan ' , god I'm such an idiot . I put gear raising my speed as soon as the traffic clears.

I know I have been avoiding everyone and I know all the lads know , if Harry's last call was anything to go by. Also , the fact that I didn't go to Liam's yesterday . However much I wanted to after meeting Andrew I knew I can't . I wouldn't be able to control myself , I would have broken down in front of them and had to reveal everything which I can't .

I park my car and get out reaching the studio. Its 2:30 in the afternoon and the meeting was supposed to start by 3:00 so I know I am  early . I halt in my track as I see none other than Harry talking to few people from the crew . He is so beautiful , wearing skinny black jeans his favourite , white shirt and plain brown jacket . His curls  framing his face which he is pushing sideways like he always does while talking , a bright grin dancing on his face .He laughs at something and I forget to breathe .

I resume walking towards them a smile on my face as I keep my eyes on him . Watching Harry is the only thing I will never get tired off . He is one in a million and all I want to do he is go their and hug him tightly , or maybe kiss him so gently and harshly at the same time showering him with all my love .

I know about your 'little crush' Ni. Or should I say Love .

My step halter as Andrew's words play in my mind. I shake my head and resume only to find that Harry has spotted me . He smiles widely at me and I can't help but return . I notice  people leaving him and going back to work .

"Hey" he says as I stand in front of him giving me a smile so bright that I couldn't help but feel warm inside . His smile also makes me feel things , absolutely mental!

"Hi " I don't know what to say , should I say sorry I couldn't make it yesterday or nothing atall . Before I can make up my mind he is speaking .
"You didn't come last night " and its not a question but a statement making me lower my eyes .

"I ... I was just busy " I look up at me not been able to think of an excuse . Niall! You are an idiot at least you could have thought about something .

Well how can you when your life is fucked up. 

"Busy doing what ?" He presses which he shouldn't have.

"Umm..just you know visiting an old friend"I try to smile as I say the words as they only want me to vomit all of the place.

"Hun" and Harry is looking at me , he doesn't believe that I am telling the truth and I am not surprised at all .Harry could always read me at the back of his hand .

"Alright"he declares smiling as he pulls my hand , intertwining our fingers and I couldn't help hut look down surprised yet happy . He pulls me into him making  my hand slap lightly on his chest. Before I can say anything hands wrap my waist enveloping me into his hard , defined body .

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now