Chapter 42

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Harry's POV

Its been one hour since the boys had left to go at Niall's and by boys I mean Liam and Zayn. Louis decided to stay with me and I love him for that. I don't know why Louis was so suspicious. Its obvious Niall wants nothing to do with me and doesn't want to look at me . It could be the only reason he has not shown up. I mean c'mon he must know I would be heart broken or sad and the boys will not like it. That can be the main reason for him to stay away. I don't know why this is such a big deal , cant a person stay apart for sometime.

I watch Louis walking with chips in one hand as I look back at the movie on going  in front of me. I was surfing through the channels and finally settled on a random movie I don't know the name of.

"There was no reason for Liam and Zayn to go at Niall's " I comment as Louis plops down beside me. He passes me the bowl and replies "what are you talking Harry? Of course it was , we haven't seen him and the boy is never not here"

I shake my head "ofcourse he will not be here Lou, I stay here and he doesn't want to see me . He knows I tell everything to you guys and he will have to answer Liam or Zayn " Louis interrupts "both " and I nod my head with him.

"But he usually calls Zayn or Liam or me . and he has not , you know how he gets sometime s Harry . He will go into this cocoon he builds for himself"

I am about to reply but am cut off by Louis' phone ringing loudly on the table.

"What?" he is on his feet and I look at him with raised eyebrow as the sudden change in his expression

"Okay I guess .. ya , you guys come back we will have early dinner then" with that he keeps the phone and sighs " He is not at his apartment and according to the watchmen in the lobby , he hasn't been back since three days."

My mood deflate as somewhere deep I was hoping for them to find him as I wanted answers and I know Zayn will be a lot of help to take them out of Niall.


We all are sitting in the living room with the tv on as we have our dinner. All of us sitting down in sweats and boxers , plate in a hand munching while watching tv. But still I miss the one person , I can feel the void in my heart increasing as the day ends . The fact that Niall is not here beside me , swallowing down all the food I made hurts. I know its my fault , all this things that are happening is my fault. As I look at the faces of my friends I know everyone is missing Niall . And I think if I was not here , if this movie wouldn't have never happened Niall would be with us , joking cuddling to Zayn , getting his legs massaged by Liam and playing video games with Louis.

Mostly , Laughing to all of my stupid jokes, giggling like a girl and smiling at me . His hard face comes to my mind refusing to leave it and be a distant memory and I hate it. I want my Nialler .

My eyes fall on Liam who speaks after a long silence in the room , disrupting my thoughts .

"Its weird he was not at his home , that too for three freaking days. Don't you think Zayn ?" Zayn is nodding along sipping some water "yeah , I think so"

"He might have gone to Mullingar , you know visit his family " we all nod and Liam pulls out his phone.

"I am calling him " he says dialing his number making my heart beat a tad bit faster. The cell is on his phone as I get up to put my plate in the sink , my stomach fluttering at the thought of him. I rinse my hands and mouth and turn to return in the living room

Liam shakes his head typing at a speed probably sending him message. It puzzles me a little why the hell is Niall not answering Liam's phone . He always answer him , okay he always used to answer me but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. So the next people he will answer in a second will be Liam .Because by the way Zayn was angry I think he knows something about Niall or regarding him that we don't know , or I don't know for that matter.

And frankly , I don't want to know . All the things that has happened are enough for me and I don't want any more surprises.

"He is not picking up" Zayn states something we already know looking at Liam's frustrated face.

Louis chimes" Maybe he is busy or having dinner with his family or someone"

My heart beats faster at the thought of  Niall being busy with someone else , someone who is not his family probably not a boy , that means a girl. Yes , he is definitely busy with a girl. Dating her and ignoring me so later he can show her off . Oh my god , I cant" I stand up abruptly making all the eyes turn on me .

"I ..I am tired .... I will be upstairs ,s-sleeping . G-good night" I hurry upstairs and jump on my bed with another batch of fresh tears . Why I am so emotional. I dig for my phone that I am positive I left on the bed earlier I had came in for the nap

I dial the only number I knew would help me . Save me.

Putting the phone to my ear , I take a shaky breathe "Mum?" 



Only three more chapters to go !!

This is getting interesting by the moment , I hope you all are liking what i have written so far!




Love ya <3

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