Chapter 30

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Niall's POV

It was our show time and I was hurrying towards the backstage to the other boys . It was a rush at the back here , people were dressing up , getting props and some . I saw Katy Perry demanding for a bottle of water and Selena rushing somewhere grabbing her dress shouting profanities at someone that teared up her skirt . Reasonable.

Muttering excuse me 's like there is no tomorrow I went to the boys , the reason for my late ...ness was nothing but me sleeping around. Not the sleeping around , but the actual sleeping , dozing off into Niall land . Paul came by to get me stressed as hell , I cant blame him though we were kinda pain in the ass.

I went to apologize but he just shrugged me before turning around and rushing outside. And now here i am running behind him almost tripping.

Finally I saw Liam putting his mike and I went towards him, someone gave me a mike and placed the ear piece on me . Everyone smiled at me and I returned it back .

As I finished putting my cord and attaching it to my shirt Harry came towards us saying " Lets go Boys ! Show time "

<time skip (coz i am lazy to write the whole show )>

I was breathing heavy with all the dancing and running I did on the stage . The fans were incredible and I flirted with Harry which added upto everything . I can feel myself smiling like crazy still now as I went to our restroom. I shaked my head as I remember the giggling mess I was when Harry casually walked passed me , his fingers brushing to my back roaming around the skin as they went down and squeezed my bum slightly , oh my .

And then the idiot winked .

I went ahead and Harry walked to me with a bottle , I smiled gratefully to him. Emily came in as I pressed my lips to the neck downing it .

"Boys 5 minutes for the meet and greet . Hurry up , go down the hall to the left there is Chris waiting for you , to get you to your room." we all nodded . I turned around as Harry said " Ni , your clothes are kept on the table we all have changed , hurry babe." i ignored the babe as i looked around seeing everyone already up and ready to go . Lou was brushing her comb through Zayn's hair styling it as Liam was tieing his shoe and Louis on his phone .

I smiled at Harry saying a quick thanks squeezing his hand , well he called me babe



In five minutes , we all were standing before a black curtain talking to each other waiting for the gate to be open and our fans to come. Liam was keeping everyone's bottle on a table near a wall. I made my way over to Harry standing at his right towards the end. Zayn was on his right and then Louis with Liam beside him. There were people with video camera , scripts , chairs and all kinds of equipments and other crew members helping them set up . Harry and I were talking to them when it was announced that the fans will start to enter .

First came to girls practically screaming at the sight of us . We just smiled and hugged them one by one , signing things they wanted us to sign for them and taking pictures . Soon like that many more girls , moms and kids entered .

It is always a fun experience to listen to them and have one on one conversation . Some say we have saved them but we just say they saved us too . I can't imagine what I would have been doing if not in one direction . They changed our lives .

After one hour we must have meet with at least more than half of the fans . More thirty minutes later we were still meeting fans .

Its good to know we have guy fans too . I was standing at the end as a small girl and a boy , maybe of our age entered followed by two teenage girls . The girl rushed towards me giggling wanting me to pick her up and I gladly did it . She was babbling about me and her and school , I listened asking questions and dramatically replying her . She was so cute . I saw the guy shaking hands with everyone and was talking to Harry .

I was beside Harry so I could here him speak . The little girl ,Amelia got down from my arms running towards Louis and I had to squat down to place her on the ground . She gave me a kiss on the cheek which i returned and went towards Lou . I couldnt help but smile .

Harry smiled at me as the guy was now talking to other boys . He then cleared his throat as he said .

" I sing and write to sometimes , I wanted to that is if you guys have no problem recite a few lines I wrote for someone ."

We all nodded encouragingly at him as he began .

Baby I feel so loved with you ,
It feels so good with you
When you're around
There is something magical in the air
Its only you , you
I feel the bliss
Sealed with a lovely kiss

I froze in my place as I heard the familiar song , too familiar .



No ,he can't be him . oh god ! My breathing became hard and I don't know what to think . Maybe I am just over thinking this , maybe its not him .

He walked towards me and hugged me as he had the four other guys . He was hugging a little to hard and I wanted to get out of it sooner .

A voice , his , whispered in my ear " Hey Nialler "

I stiffened at that horrified at him , his voice just like it was only deeper and manlier . I pulled away from me as he smiled at me and it was kind of smirk , I gulped at that. I looked at him , really looked at him and it was like all past memories coming back to me.

He smiled before walking away as I kept staring at his back . All the questions running through me and I feel like bile rising in my throat .

What is he doing here ? He is really out of jail . What I am going to do . He managed to find me , oh god !

I can hear Harry talking to me but I was not listening at all . All

My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a message I opened it to read and almost dropped my phone .

I read the message two - three times and I am about to faint or throw up . Not able to hold myself I ran from the room down the hall ignoring the boys calling me or fans trying to get to me .

I found a nearest bathroom and pour out all that I had for lunch into the toilet . I heard footsteps behind me a I threw up so more , my phone in my hand. I felt a hand on my back before I can turn thinking it might be him a voice was speaking to me "shhh ...its okay , okay ."

I leaned my head against the wall as I saw Harry get up and rub my face with tissue paper . He was talking something but it was as if I didn't hear his voice. All that was going through my head was his voice and the text . And I need to breathe .

My claustrophobia kicked in as Harry was at my sight in seconds , wiping my cheek saying something .

Was I crying ? I brushed my cheek with my fingers and it was wet . I looked at Harry as my chest began heaving and the room was spinning . I touched Harry's wet cheek with little energy left in me as I said

"I want to go home "

I saw him nod vigorously before everything turned black .



Tada da da ! And the drama begins and the suspense will soon be unveiled.

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