Chapter 2

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* Wednesday After The Meeting *


Okay the interview was not that bad as I thought it would be. But I am still feeling there is something fishy , something that we don't know , that I don't know about .

All the odd feeling that was there has lessesened but has not completely gone away. It is still there just laying low I guess.

Basically the meeting consisted of management telling us to boost over trp, we argueing about it and then their brilliant idea of casting us in a movie . Not only that a movie which will send a message although I don't know what message we are going to send.

Yes , we agreed on doing the movie . I blame Zayn cause I completely agree with Louis we can't act for shit. Also , I was hyped and basically disagreed and questioned everything spilling from their mouth . I am soo going to be asked about that from the boys.

You can understand me here , I am gay and doing till now a pretty good job of hiding it . No one knows , no one , not the boys , the management , paul and fans . I am all zip zap nada. Except my family , that is my Mom , dad and my brother and his wife .

I don't like hating and I know if anyone knew they will hate me for it. Boys will see me as some diseased , fans will hate me , some of them already do. I have seen the tweets , the messages of me not able to sing , not sexy or good looking enough and then some. And it hurts , I barely got through it. I can't even phatom what they will do when I come out. And management they will just through me out of the band.

Most important Harry , he is my closest friend and my crush. If he rejects me , what if he doesn't like me , hates me or never want to come near me or look at me .

I will die, I will surely die.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't registered when we got out of the meeting , in the car and in Nandos. I was brought out of my thoughts when Harry asked me what I would like to order .

"Hun?!" I looked at him confused as he sat by me .He chuckled "What would you like to order Ni?"

I quickly recited all the things I want and he nodded " the usual then " he said before getting out of the booth and going at the counter , all the while others laughing .

Louis said " Oh god Niall!! How you eat all that everytime we come!"he laughed not really questioning . I shrugged my shoulders saying " I don't know , I just love food." And Nandos !!!

Liam and Zayn sitting opposite me and Louis to my left in middle fo Liam and me . We had a semi circular couch with table in center. Harry and Zayn at the corners , Harry to my right and Zayn next to Liam.

Liam took a sip of water from the glass and asked " What happened in their Ni? You were hyped." I shrugged looking innocent , my heart rate picking slightly.

"Yes Ni, you were all tense and asking so many questions and..."Zayn said looking at me worried. I gave him a reassuring smile as Louis cut him off.

"And arguing with them . You never do that ? what is it?" and with that three sets of eyes were boring into mine , talk about peer pleasure . I don't know what to say. My fear and odd feeling made me do that , I don't even know why. Actually , there is nothing to say really .

I began " I..umm...I ..its just.." trying to come up with a sane explaination without telling them I am gay as fuck and no one knows! And thought it had something to do with that and feared everyone will know .Also , I had this uneasy , tormenting feeling about the whole think and was just waiting for them to pronounce g-a-y to my face.

I screamed all that mentally but stuttered in front of them deciding if I should just say all that aloud or not. I was saved by Harry carrying two trays with him " Here are the orders guys " As everyone else had order just one or two things it was easy to fit in two trays. One tray for their order and one only for mine. Guess I took too much , nevermind.

He sat beside me digging in as he spoke " So what are you guys talking about ?" his eyes landing on me just a second before returning to others.

Louis chimed in "Just that , Niall was behaving a little different in the meeting." And Loam and Zayn nodded . shit.

They are not gonna let that go easily,are they.

Harry placed a hand on my thigh lightly as if it wasn't their and I almost didn't feel it . But I was soo aware of it.

He began " So? It was not that unusual , he was just confused as us , he just voiced it ,is all. Don't bug him."

And I was never more grateful of harry . He smiled at me as I returned his gestured.He knows how I was feeling about the meeting and how I was feeling during. He might not know the reason why I was feeling that , but honestly I don't know either. But he understood , somehow he understood that I won't like to talk about it and he helped. He knows me so well ,sometimes better than myself. He is just an angel. And I can't help but love him more.

I grabbed his hand impulsively still on my thigh giving it a quick squeeze before removing it. I dug in my food as I once again listened to others around .

"So what do you think the movie will be about? asked Liam , everyone else shrug not having any idea.

"I cant believe you got us in Zayn , because seriously we don't know how to act!"Louis exclaimed stating the same he did in the meeting.

I nodded my head and said yeah , completely agreeing with him.Zayn shrugged his head saying rather sassily "Talk about yourself guys ,I like.."

"You mean you can act !Bullshit" Louis said rolling his eyes at him. I stifled a laugh.

" I said I like the idea of doing something rather different than what we do , before some one rudely interrupted me."earning another eye roll from Louis and us laughing .

Harry joined in the conversation as I rested back a little , my interest piquing because of said person joining.

"I agree with Zayn , it is not going to be hard ,it might be fun for us.Something other than daily routinue." I smiled at him , gosh I am whimped.

He added "Bet I will be a superman , or business man like Mr.Grey , or maybe a doctor ,or .."talk about weird , he is the definition.How can a person go from superman to Mr .Grey doctor? Really? , in a matter of seconds.

We all laughed at him as Louis said " OR a baker , Haz" he pouted and it was adorable . So adorable that I couldn't resist but pinching his cheek and chin.

"Awwww...Hazza , don't you pout , you can be a superman secretly while you are Mr.grey but also work as a baker ."at that laughter around the table doubled over .

I can hear words "shit" , "wonderful""oh Niall" around but my gaze was locked with Harry's as he pouted some more.

Oh how I wanted to lick that pout away

I laughed along with guys controlling my haywired thoughts.

Harry put a hand on my waist as he whispered to me not so subtly "You are gonna pay for it Horan." It was teasingly though, a smile etched on his face. He was not serious at all , it was a joke. Everyone else thought that hence the laughing continued .But that doesn't mean that my heart didn't thuddered , beat crazily or for a blush not to creep on my cheek , or for a shiver to ran down my spine .

"You cold?" Harry's voice whispered in my ears and I barely stopped myself from moaning . God his voice !

I shook my head "NO" and then laughed as he playfully pulled me to him and I said aloud "Go away you idiot!"followed by "We will see who will pay." sassily

And the rest of the evening was filled with laughs , chats and jokes here and there. The meeting , the movie and the questions all forgotten.



1469 Words , phew ! * cracking knuckles

So Now we know Niall's not so little secret

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now