Chapter 40

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Harry's pov

You're delusional

We were nothing

I want you to be far away from me

Niall's words repeat in my head as I sit myself in the plane. I know those were all dialogues , a script but I cant help but feel they weren't. Technically some of the words he said were not in the script and were from him. I feel like my heart is about to burst anytime now and not in the good way, happy or top of the world burst . But more like want to die . This thing , lets call it a thing , I had going on with Niall was so confusing. One moment I feel like everything is real and the another I cant help but feel its fake . And it hurts to even think that all that we had ,all the smooth caress , the hugs , the kisses and the small moments between us were just for the movie. A show we put on or should I say practice?

A tear runs down my eyes at the thought , his eyes , his words ringing in my head and they have not stopped since yesterday . Since last night when he left the studio without a second glance , when he didn't appear for dinner to tell me that was just in the moment , when I found out he boarded a plane and was gone. And I want to scream , shout and bang my head because this makes everything he said real , that we were nothing ........I was nothing to him.

I close my eyes trying to sleep before I land his face never leaving me , he is haunting me but I don't mind because he has always haunted me . From the start he was my main concern all the time , my eyes were always used to be on him , keeping him close and always checking if he is still present in whatever we ever did. If he laughs I would be happy and will laugh with him , seeing him cry was the worst thing and helping him with anything was the greatest feeling.

At that time I considered him to be my mate , got myself thinking this all concern was because he was close to me , because he is my best friend. But I was a fool , oh my god I was such an idiot to think that . Faking this couple thing , holding his hands when I thought it to be so awkward actually turned out to be so natural . The warmth he gives me , the feeling of loved he spreads through me is something I have come to cherished.And our first kiss , oh my god I still remember like it was yesterday , still have the taste of his mouth , his touches , his lips on me. That kiss got me back to my sense , got my head out of my ass and made me realize so far into him I was.

I am

That kiss and many more after that , the date all that felt like fairytale and to him saying that was all a lie breaks my heart . That all those things were just for the movie , for him to practice or experience . No ,no I don't believe him , I can't afford to believe him but then his words keep playing like a broken record not fading away

There was never us

We are just friends

We were nothing !


I knock on the door of the apartment I still share with Louis, I know all the boys are going to be their.I had messaged Liam in hopes to fall in his arms and cry. Turns out he is already at my place with others , and with others I mean everyone except niall james horan.

The door opens and I yank my bag entering ignoring louis' question of were is niall/ why are you alone / because frankly I don't know myself

I sigh loudly sitting on the couch knowing very well all eyes are on me . I look up as Liam places one hand on my shoulder " What happened Harry ?" and that's all it takes for me too break down .

After fifteen minutes of me crying and telling them everything that took place after we took of all the boys hug me tight . I love them and how they are so understanding .

Louis is the first one to break the impending silence "I- don't doesn't make any sense ? I mean why would ..our Nialler ?" I can understand why Louis feels so disturbed I try to comment and comfort him but I am cut by an angry Zayn Malik "The fuck he said all those things Harry ! I am going to knock some sense ! I cant believe that boy !" he tries to get up but is held by Liam

" I know you are angry but going their and breaking his face is not the solution?" He then turns to me " I can understand how you feel Harry , I know it hurts but give him time.Maybe he is going through something or h-he is confused ....." he leaves right at that , eyebrows frowned confused himself.

Zayn mumbles " I am not going to break is face"

"Maybe he just doesn't love me" I say dejectedly and before anyone can continue I speak "I mean that is definitely clear from all the avoiding me , not hanging out with us all a-and the things...he said"

Louis jumps beside me "That is so not true Haz , don't think so negative. I just , I don't understand why didn't he come to us Li ? If like you say he is going through something ..why is he avoiding us . Okay , he doesn't want to meet Harry , no offense " he says looking at me as I pout and continues "but he could have come to anyone of us . Especially you Zayn , that boy always comes to you ."

Zayn tries to get up again , his face all rigid , nose flaring and frankly I am scared of him right now. I have not seen him so mad and I feel little happy at the thought that he cares " That boy needs a serious talking ! I am so mad right now!"

Liam just holds him soothing him " I know Zayn , just give it time , give him time. We all know him , he will come around in no time" with that we all stay silent contemplating on what to do with Niall's weird behavior .

Niall's pov

It's chilly outside as I walk on the streets , it is good to be back home. Although running away from the studio , the place and ....most importantly running away from Harry was not a good move. I understand that now. Saying all those words just because I am scared of Andrew was not the solution.

As I reached at home yesterday I spent the whole night thinking about all the things I have done , all the things happened in the past and I came to one conclusion. I am not going to leave rest of my life in fear of every move I make , every wrong move I make . I am not going to give Andrew the power of making my life hell and I am so not going to give him the power of making me miserable.

I have dream of Harry to be mine , of able to touch Harry , kiss him and be with him . And now I think , I have a chance . All those kisses Harry initiated makes me think I have a chance with him, makes me think I can have an actual future with me and not just be with him in my fantasy. And the look he had yesterday is enough for me to arrive at this decision. I cant believe I said all those words but when your past clashes you and practically tells you everything you have right now , the person you love the most in the world will crash and burn , you have to utter those words , scream those words in the face of the man you love.

But not anymore, I am not going to be the person I before . I am Niall Horan now, one of the member of the world's biggest band and I am going to make this right.

I make my way to the cab and give him the paper in which I have the address of the person that made my life a living hell, before and now .



The end is finally near ....only FIVE MORE CHAPS TO GO !

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Take care and be safe !xx

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