Chapter 27

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I am so frustrated I wrote this whole chapter and it was super long. I was so happy with my work , I worked really hard for this and then wattpad decided to erase the whole chapter of more than 3000 words . Now I had to write the whole thing again and it is not as good as the first time . So I am sorry if this sucked , I will do my best in the next chapter . I have divided this chapter as this is happening for the third time on this book .

Without further ado , here is the chap !


Niall's POV

Today on the set it is calmer than usual . Everyone is working , some talking to eachother with files in their hands and others on phone . I observe everyone discussing the next shots , location and lines over.Now I am always a curious person asking about workings of everything but then why I am sitting here , on my assigned chair ( A/N chair for actors with their name on it ) watching from distance ? Only one word Mr.Scott , okay it was technically two words but you get my point .

That man is a creep and I am beginning to think he enjoys me playing gay a little to much . Don't look at me like that , I heard him few minutes okay , suggesting me to be in a dress paired with feminine clothes for the scene. How did I heard from this far away ?? Quick story : I wanted to use bathroom was quickly running in one and while I was passing by their group I heard him exclaiming . I ran away as fast as my little legs could make me.

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now