Chapter 38

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Harry's POV

There is a rather large discussion going on around the table at the moment. Our director , Mr.Kellermen looked worried and Mr.Scott looked more pissed than he ever was. Everything was not sailing smoothly as he thought before coming. Niall's panic attack yesterday set a major set back and the whole shoot was cancelled. To be precise I cancelled the whole shoot , how can I not? The love of my life was struggling to even breathe properly and I should let them continue ?!

Not then and Never I would do that and that's what I told Niall when he was about to go into another one , just by the thought he was the cause of shoot being cancelled. Okay , not exactly that except the 'love of my life' part . Honestly I don't know how that even came but I know the feeling is their. And seeing Niall passed out I would never even deny it even if asked too.

I eyed everyone sitting at the round table of one of the conference rooms the hotel had. The production decided to hold a meeting today and go over everything before finalizing . To be frank , I was pretty bored with all the yelling , stress and suggestions being thrown around. I am not saying I don't like working with these people , I love working with them . Never have I ever came across such a hardworking people. I can say making a movie is no joke. But do they really need to have such an epic over the top discussion pointing accusations.

My eyes travel to my right and I want to jump on this very table and shout "Stop all of you! Just stop!"

I then looked at Niall who was still biting on his nails ready to bolt at any moment. I brushed my hand on his and he instantly grabbed my finger making me smile. I quickly covered turning my attention back at the room that had went silent and everyone's eyes on me. I coughed slightly uncomfortable at all the eyes staring at me . Even though you perform infront of thousands on practically daily basis yet you go shy when eyes are on you , nice Styles .

"I know we are slightly behind the schedule. I know it was sudden and things were not planned. But we all are here now and all of us are ready to stay for two more days. I and Niall promise you we will try our best to get everything done in these two days only." I ended my mini speech looking at everyone for any kind of reaction . Mr.Kellermen sighed rubbing at his head and spoke , all eyes turning towards him.

"Okay Harry if you say so , we must immediately start. Julie , lets take it from the beginning ,scene 3 .." Julie quickly pointed out "Scene two actually ."

He nodded his head " Ya ya , lets try get two and three done today and we will see after that."

Everyone at once walked in all different direction getting the shot ready as I sat down on my chair , which I'd stood up at the beginning of my speech. I turned to Niall who had a smile playing on his lips moving a little closer than just friends , I noted.

"Thanks Haz , I know you did it for me ." I laughed at his words squeezing his hand .

"You're welcome Ni, and if I wouldn't have you would have gone into yet another attack" my voice got soft at the end laced with worry and he furrowed his eyes.

"I am fine Harry" he said slightly rubbing my intertwined hand, trying to sooth me I suppose. And it worked , his touch always works . But I am still worried.

"I know you are Niall . And I also know you were not , not yesterday when I found you going crazy and then slumming unconsciously in my arms ." I said yesterday's events playing in front of my eyes . The way he was searching for something , his blue eyes blurred with tears and fear?

That was the only feeling I couldn't pin point. Beneath the panic , the anxious , the tears , his voice laced fear and I couldn't help be curious about that.

What was he afraid about?

"Yes , I know Haz. I – I am fine now and I will be .Don't you worry . Everything is fine" his voice brought my attention back at him . I wanted to ask what was the fear about ? what was he afraid of ? but I know better than to ask . I don't want him to stop breathing on me . And I know Niall, I know him at the back of my hand . And even though I might not know the reason behind the fear I know him well enough to know that my question will send him into another one panic attack.

So , I blurted the only other words that circled in my head " What were you searching for?" He smiled sheepishly at me ducking his head as he answered softly " My mobile" and I couldn't help but laugh.

"It was with me ." he nods with me as I gave him his mobile last night after all the ficaso . The idiot forgot his mobile at my room in hurry after we had breakfast .

" Why did you even need it ? The thing is switched off since we landed ." I remarked off handedly , not understanding the panic attack he had for a phone which wasn't even charged .

I watched him , his eyes flickered away from me . He gulped as if I had hurt him so I quickly joked " Why don't you just charge the fucking thing Niall" and he laughed at that as expected .

Thank god , I didn't want him upset . And never by me . I cant stand him being sad and crying. I had die rather or kill the one that was the cause of it.

My thoughts were brought to halt as Niall spoke " Oh Haz ! I will , Jesus ! I told ya I forgot." And now I was the one laughing at him , but actually I was trying to keep the blush I know was creeping at his accent popping in . it always makes me tingle.

Our small banter was come to an halt as Julie came to us with a roll of sheets "C'mon guys we have a long day ahead" with that we quickly stood up .


Niall's POV

After the shoot rapped up all us boys decided to meet in the lobby in one hour. I was ready , I tied my shoes and plugged the phone of the charger. I had put it for charger first thing when I entered the room for Harry's sake. The boy will not leave me and keep on bugging me . I shake my head smiling , I love how he cares for me . I quickly dialed him up and on the first ring he picked up .

"Hey Ni" I smiled at his voice feeling pumped up for this hang out . I replied with a big smile on my damn face " Yes . Where are you ?"

I got reply making my heart pause a little " In the lobby babe , Hurry."

I ignored his blurt up " Okay . Be their in five" with that I got out of my room and walked to the elevator . I got in and pressed the button. In next two minutes I touched the lobby . The passage was long and I was not able to see Harry. I jogged ahead towards them when a hand pulled me aside and I was blinded by the darkness .

Before I can even shriek in anger a deep voice called behind me "Thought you could run from me ?" sending shivers down my spine as my heart deflated all the joy and happiness leaving right out of me .



ta ta ta da !

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