Chapter 28

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Third Person's POV

Niall was standing tucking the long sleeves of cardigan down in his fingers. He is nervous and excited as someone yells "Action !"

Scene #01

Niall opens the door revealing a timid looking Harry brushing his hair with holding a bunch of roses in one hand . He smiles up at him and enters the house, handing Niall the roses "This is for you " making the blond boy flush as he admires the flowers placing them in the vase nearby . He turns around thanking him and Harry takes his hand in his as they walk down the path towards the car.

"Ready for our date babe" shivers ran down Niall's spine at his words and he couldnt help but nod at Harry. They both sat in the car and Harry started it .

The scene was cut and now everyone was getting everything for the next one . Niall and Harry were given scripts for them to revise again as Julie was talking them about how to converse and everything .

Scene #02

Cold breeze is flowing through the air as Niall scrolls down the car window. He peeks up at Harry who has a small smile on his face as he drives one hand on the wheel and other on the gear .

"So where are you taking me ?" Niall asks curiously . He looks at Harry who tilts his head giving him a side glance and says " That is for me to know and you to find out ."

Niall scoffs  clearly annoyed  "That is so original Haz."

  " So you are not going to tell me "more of a statement than a question . Harry just hums nodding his head as he changes the gear speeding up .

Niall wrings his fingers together as he stares out of the window chewing his lips. He then speaks what has been on his mind since the phone call he received an hour ago.
"I heard you met Dan.." Harry stills at that and after few seconds nods caustipusly . He begans to say something ,  maybe an explanation he doesnt know . But he is cut as Niall continues staring straight ahead.

"And you both had a disagreement. A-and he p-pressed you on the wall trying to ch-chock you" Harry sighs loudly already knowing he is gonna lose this . He feebily tries to calm Niall .

"He was just angry a- " and Niall cuts him off exasperatedly throwing his hands in the air .

"He tried to kill you ! his own son .And if it wasn't for Zayn , we will not be on this date " Harry looks at Niall worried and then his eyes narrows " You talked to Zayn hun?"

Niall says a yes and Harry chuckles trying to calm his baby because acting or not , he doesn't like the stressed lines on Niall's forehead and an upset look on his face.

"You know that you are mine , right ?" And Niall is shock at his words because they are not his line .

"I know , I just I dont want anything happening to you .." Harry grabs his thigh giving it a quick squeeze before putting it on the gear . "Nothing is going to happen to me Ni ."

And Niall knows they have  sidetracked  , these are not their lines but nobody has shouted cut .   He sees from the corner that the camera is still rolling , so he plays along .
Pulling Harry hands  he cuddles it to his chest , revising the lines mentally he had been reading almost half of the day .

" It is because of me  right ? He used to love you Haz and now , look ...he has tried before and what if he tries again? Harry looks at Niall squeezing his hand and their is a look in his eyes ,realisation , about their mistake but he quickly recovers smiling at Niall .

"He will not and tonight we are on a date.." He says teasingly making  Niall blush  and continues "and I don't want to discuss Dan or Zayn or even Louis for that matter . Tonight is our night."

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now