Chapter 18

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Important Authors Note at the end , please read it . Don't Ignore . Its going to be a long one but I have some questions and I want you all  lovelies to answer :)
Since , I haven't updated in long time I will talk later , so before that  here is the chapter .

( Not Edited At all )

Greg .

Why in the name will he calling me ? I find myself questioning as an anxious yet scared feeling replacing  the giddy and happiness in me .

I picked up the call as I watch Harry going in my kitchen ,probably to get something to drink or eat .

"Hey Nialler , How are you ? I was to call long back , but Theo and work kept me busy ." his voice rang through the  machine with a sound of someone shuffling around . I smiled at my brother's , its been too long since we last meet or even spoke to each other.

" Hey Greg , I am fine , you know singing and touring .How are you and Theo ?? " He laughed at my lame attempt to answer and said " We are good good . You playing in a movie eh ? " He asked and an image of what just happened moments ago flashed in front of my eyes making me blush .

Unfortunately , Harry thought that was the perfect time to come out of the kitchen and gave me weirder look . I watched him plopped down on my couch as he pointed to his side.
I shook my head to get some coherent thoughts as I stuttered out a yes  of some sorts. Greg then proceeded to talk about how its good I am doing something different  how he was proud and cant wait to see the movie .

I didn't even once mentioned about my character , my role and part in the movie letting him ramble on .

I made my way to the kitchen picking up a cold bottle from fridge guessing Harry won't giving me his bottle anytime soon , the  way he was hogging it .

I watched from the kitchen as I uncapped my bottle , partly listening to my brother and Harry gulping down the liquid.

Hmm, who he look just that hot or more flustered gulping some other liquid . The thought itself spreading red hot heat throughout my body .

I must have missed I was lost in the beautiful specimen in front of me as I heard Greg's voice on the other end panicked .panicked ?

I pulled myself out of the nasty thoughts as I heqrd " Niall ! Niall are you even  listening ?! Bloody !"

Before he could curse more I said "Um..Greg can you repeat . umm ...sorry I wasn't .." Before I can complete my sentence , Greg swore " Jesu Christ !" And I giggled as my eyes meet Harry's in the process who was looking at me shocked . I tilted my head a little in confusion but then thought of better to hear out Greg .

" Um .,okay Niall .Dad , well ,He must have called and told you of me going to meet him . " I was confused , " what ? What are you talking about ?"

"Niall , I went to meet him . He still lives there , same apartment . I .. I was so angry at him , he meet Mom in the market and was asking for you . You know Mom ...and I didn't want him anywhere near my family . So , I .."

Now I was in panic ,heart beating wildly , it looked like my past was just about to come back  knocking at my door . The mention of his name brought back memories , lots of them and not one of them is positive and happy .

Faking Narry ( Book 1 ) | n.s [COMPLETED]  #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now